VIP Class Notes (Raph)


Tower (n): 1- a tall, narrow structure, often square or circular, that either forms part of a building or stands alone:
E.g.: When I went to Paris, I went up the Eiffel tower.
E.g.: There’s a clock on the church tower.
E.g.: He works in an office tower in San Francisco.
E.g.: The Shanghai Tower is the second tallest building in the world.

Grain (n): 1-  a seed or seeds from a plant that we eat.
E.g.: We usually eat rice, oats, or some other kind of grain everyday.

Harvest (v): 1- to pick  plants to be eaten.
E.g.: Strawberries are usually harvested during the autumn.

Sequence (n): 1- a series of related things or events, or the order in which they follow each other.
E.g.: You have to put the numbers into the right sequence.
E.g.: He took me through a sequence of steps.

Bloom (v): 1- When a flower blooms, it opens or is open, and when a plant or tree blooms it produces flowers:
E.g.: These flowers will bloom all through the summer.

Radish (n): 1- 萝卜


Noun = a name of a person, a thing, an animal, a place, etc.
E.g.: cup, computer, table, Shanghai, Emma, flower, umbrella, etc.

Pronoun = a word we use instead of a noun.
E.g.: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, my, mine, their, his, her, hers, yours, our, etc.

Verb = an action = anything you do.
E.g.: to do, to be, to play, to run, to go, to make, to help, to study, to speak, etc.

Adjective = a word that describes a noun or a pronoun.
E.g.: small, smart, big, beautiful, ugly, stupid, great, good, nice, terrible, hot, cold, sunny, etc.

Adverb = a word that describes a verb, adjective or another adverb and answers one of the following questions:

  • How: easily, happily, loudly, quickly, well, slowly, sadly, etc..
  • How often: never, always, every day,  frequently, seldom, often, sometimes..
  • When: now, after, before, early, yesterday, today, soon, since, etc..
  • Where: here, there, home, inside, near, outside, away, everywhere, etc..

Irregular Adverbs

Adjective Adverb
good well
fast fast
hard hard
late late
early early
daily daily
straight straight
wrong wrong, wrongly


Oxygen: /ˈɑːk.sɪ.dʒən/

Radish: /ˈræd.ɪʃ/

Celery: /ˈsel.ɚ.i/

Strength: /streŋθ/

Width: /wɪdθ/

Length: /leŋθ/

Sequence: /ˈsiː.kwəns/

Groceries: /ˈɡroʊ·sə·riz