VIP Class Notes (Raph)


Write about your best friend. Where did you meet? How long have you known each other? What do you like to do together? Why do you like him/her so much?

Write the opinion essay from page 132 on your notebook, making sure you include:

  • You opinion and reasons why you have it;
  • A topic sentence in the beginning of each paragraph;
  • A different view that other people may have and a solution to that view;
  • A short conclusion

Read pages 150 and 151 from your textbook. We will discuss them next class.


Return (v): 1- o come or go back to a previous place:
E.g.: Mary returned home after many years of traveling.
E.g.: She left South Africa at the age of 15 and has never returned.
E.g.: David returned from work to find his house had burned down.

Summarize (v): 1- to express the most important facts or ideas about something or someone in a short and clear form.
E.g.: I’ll just summarize the main points of the plan in a few words.
E.g.: The teacher asked us to summarize the story using our own words.

Nutrient (n): 1- any substance that plants or animals need in order to live and grow:
E.g.: It’s good soil – full of nutrients.
E.g.: A healthy diet should provide all the nutrients you need.
E.g.: Hamburgers and other kinds of fast-food don’t usually have a lot of nutrients.

Wheat (n): 1- 小麦

O2 / Oxygen (n): 1- 氧

CO2 / Carbon Dioxide (n): 1- 二氧化碳


Then Vs Than

When to Use THEN?

Then has a number of different functions, but it is most commonly used as either an adverb or an adjective. Below are a few examples of its many meanings and uses.

  • At that time.
    • I was at work then.
    • Come over this afternoon; I’ll be ready then.
  • Next in time, space, or order; immediately afterward.
    • We saw a movie and then went out for dinner.
    • We filled up the car and then began the trip.
  • In addition; moreover; besides.
    • The glasses are $100, and then there is sales tax.
    • First you need a license, and then you can drive.
  • In that case, accordingly.
    • If the weather is bad, then my flight will get canceled.
    • If there is heavy traffic, then I might be late.

When to use THAN?

Than is a conjunction that is used for making comparisons between elements, objects, people, etc.

  • He is taller than I am.
  • She can run faster than I can.
  • Your meal looks better than mine does.
  • Coca-Cola is better than Pepsi.

In all of these examples, than is used to introduce a comparison between two things. This is important to keep in mind. No matter what you are comparing, whether it be time, money, speed, if a comparison is taking place, than is the correct word choice.


Status: /ˈsteɪ.t̬əs/

Anesthetic: /ˌæn.əsˈθet̬.ɪk/

Permitted: /pɚˈmɪ.tɪd/

Superlative: /səˈpɝː.lə.t̬ɪv/