VIP Class Notes (Raph)[S][R]


Go to, pick an article, read it carefully and then write a paragraph about it.


Stereotype (n): 1- a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong.
E.g.: I think I don’t fit the popular stereotype of a gay man.
E.g.: Adverts are full of stereotypes.

Eternal (adj): 1- lasting forever or for a very long time.
E.g.: The company is engaged in the eternal search for a product that will lead the market.
E.g.: Will you two never stop your eternal arguing?

Inflation (n): 1- a general, continuous increase in prices.
E.g.: The government is trying to control inflation

Sensor (n): 1-  a device that is used to record that something is present or that there are changes in something.
E.g.: The security device has a heat sensor which detects the presence of people and animals.

Nobel Prize (n): 1- 诺贝尔奖

Universe (n): 1- 宇宙

Multiverse (n): 1- 多重宇宙


Stephen Hawking explained multiverses in final paper

The world-famous scientist Stephen Hawking published an important paper two weeks before he died, aged 76. He called it “A Smooth Exit from Eternal Inflation”. He explained how humans could find multiverses. These are other universes made at the same time as our universe, after the Big Bang. He also wrote about how our universe will end, after the stars run out of energy. This paper could be his most important ever. He could have won a Nobel Prize.

Hawking explained his idea of inflation. This is when our universe was made from a tiny point in space. This was after the Big Bang. Hawking suggested there were many big bangs and each of them made a universe. All of these universes are a multiverse. Scientists could find the multiverse by using sensors on space ships. Stephen Hawking is also famous for his best-selling book “A Brief History of Time”.

Speaking exercise


My mother is retired at home, so he want to find some friend to do some things together, but you know when you live at a own house and less communicate with the neighbors, so he want to join a dance team to find friends and he wants to have trip with her new friends. But one day he join the team. After the dance ended, the team leader ask him for charge. My mother think the money is not very much, just 2 yuan, but she think it’s not reasonable, because she think this should be free, so she not join any dance team again.


My mother is retired and stays at home all day, so she wanted to find some friends to do some things together. She lives by herself and doesn’t communicate much with the neighbors, so she decided to join a dance team to find friends and people who she could travel with. But one day she joined the team and after the dance ended, the team leader charged her. Although my mother thought the money was not very much, just 2 yuan, she thought it was not reasonable, and that this should be free, so she decided not to join any dance team again.


It’s noise – It’s noisy.


Synopsis: /sɪˈnɑːp.sɪs/

Invasion: /ɪnˈveɪ.ʒən/

Moved: /muːvd/

Familiar: /fəˈmɪl.i.jɚ/

Terrorist: /ˈte.r.ɚ.ɪst/

Threaten: /ˈθret.ən/

Threatening: /ˈθret.ən.ɪŋ/

Lobbying: /ˈlɒbi.ɪŋ/

Image: /ˈɪm.ɪdʒ/

Eternal: /ɪˈtɝː.nəl/