VIP Class Notes (Nick) [W]

Next Class Focus

Finish the writing correction below and do an IELTS speaking.


Meet – two people getting to know each other
Introduce – when a third person puts two people together

Of is often used to connect a noun.
— I have a lot of shoes.

About is to connect the subject, the topic
— I am thinking about going to the store today.
— He was talking about trade with the United States.

Active Voice – someone does something
e.g. I introduced Cindy and her husband at that party.
Passive Voice – someone had something done for/to them
e.g. Cindy and her husband were introduced at that party.
— The first one focuses on who does the action.
— The second focuses on who it was done to.

Tall – measuring from the bottom of something to the top (how something is)
High – where something is on something else (where something is, position)
e.g. This mountain is 6,000m tall.
e.g. This road is 4,000m high.

Over – passing above; to turn or flip; done; for something to move to another place
e.g. We flew over the mountains; he drove over me and broke my leg.
e.g. When I tell you, you may flip your exams over and begin; this is not correct, so you have to start over (like you have to turn it over to start writing again).
e.g. The test is now over. Please stop writing.
e.g. I can drive you over there because it is on the way; please pass my phone over here. I need to make a call.


When you connect parts of a sentence talking about a person, you should usually use “who”
e.g. This is person who is my teacher.
e.g. That is my daughter, who is wearing the red dress.

Consider – verb
Considering – sort of a noun
Consideration – noun
Considerate – adjective

Very different withfrom / to

Repetition – you don’t have to repeat things that don’t change
He is tall, fair, and smart = He is tall. He is fair. He is smart.
He likes to play basketball, eat Sichuan food, and hike = He likes to play basketball, he likes to eat Sichuan food, and he likes to hike.

Writing exercise

Describe a person who is handsome or beautiful.
How is this person look like.
when and where you did saw him/her. Why you think he or she is handsome/beautiful.

Answer by Cindy:

If let me talk about someone who is handsome the first one come to my mind is my husband.
We were met in a friends birthday party and he asked me to add his Wechat. After that we talked a lot found we had a lot common interests and naturally began to dating and eventually got married. I guess you are wondering his appearance. He is 175cm high which considering is average height in Chinese men. He got a fair skin wearing a pair of black-framed glass that makes he seems wisely. His dress code is simple white T-shirt and blue jeans. He is a introvert person don’t talk too much,good at study graduated from a good school and good at mathematics. By the contract with his quite personality and baby face he is physically strong.he trained himself a strong body. Actually this is what really attracted me at the first sight. After talk with him I know he never use his strong mucles to bullying people or do violence things.I admire he can keep a regular lifestyle make exercise as a daily basis. I know there still many people have prejudice with strong people.maybe they think strong people are look like gangster but we can’t judge a person only by his appearance .My husband treat everyone in gentle and always willing to give a hand to those who need a help.

Describe a person who is handsome or beautiful.
How is What does this person look like?
When and where did you did saw see him/her. Why did/do you think he or she is handsome/beautiful.

Answer by Cindy:

If let you ask me to talk about someone who is handsome, the first one who comes to my mind is my husband.
We were met / were introduced in a friends birthday party and he asked me to add his Wechat / he asked me to add him on WeChat. After that we talked a lot and found we had a lot of common interests and naturally began to dating / to date and eventually got married. I guess you are wondering about his appearance. He is 175cm high tall which is considered is an average height in / among Chinese men. He got has a fair skin and he usually wears / he likes to wear a pair of black-framed glasses that makes he seems wisely. His dress code is simple: a white T-shirt and blue jeans. He is an introverted person / He is an introvert; he doesn’t talk too much, is good at studying, graduated from a good school, and is good at mathematics. By the contrast with his quiet personality and baby face, he is physically strong. He trained himself hard and now he has a strong body.

Actually this is what really attracted me at the first sight. After talk with him I know he never use his strong mucles to bullying people or do violence things.I admire he can keep a regular lifestyle make exercise as a daily basis. I know there still many people have prejudice with strong people.maybe they think strong people are look like gangster but we can’t judge a person only by his appearance. My husband treat everyone in gentle and always willing to give a hand to those who need a help.