VIP Class Notes (Nick) [W]


Finish the homework from George’s class.

Next Class Focus

Finish correcting Zoe’s travel plan.


Get – change of state
e.g. When I get old… (I’m not old now)
e.g. Let me go get a bottle of water.
— This is different from other words that describe a state, like “have” or “keep”

Change – to make something different from what it is now
e.g. I will now change this rabbit into a hat!
Exchange – to give one thing away to get a different thing
e.g. I can exchange RMB for Riales.


To turn a verb into an adjective, you use the “past participle” (usually, just add “-ed”)
e.g. Drink, drank, drunk: he is drunk

The cars are really sucks – The cars really suck / The cars are really bad
— “Suck” cannot be an adjective.

Writing exercise

1. Compare to the separate visa page, I prefer to keep their stamp on my passport. I would love to stay Iran for ten days.
2. I have to prepare enough cash in China, because I can’t use credit card all the time in Iran, maybe I could change some cash after I arrived at the airport.
3. The way for booking hotels is kind of annoying in Iran. If I want to book hotels before I get there, only can book by phones or emails, and wait for them to confirm.
4. Buy a scarf and once I arrive there I have to wear it as long as I am outside.
5. I will go to Esafahan, Tehran for sure, if possible I would love to go to a desert and stay for two days.
6. There are many museums in Tehran, and these museums will definitely help me to understand their culture better. They also have some cool cafes where I can spend the whole afternoon.
7. I will pick up two mosques to have a look, should be enough for me because they build some cafes just as mosque.

1. Compared to getting the separate visa page, I prefer to get their stamp on my passport. I would love to stay Iran for ten days.
2. I have to prepare enough cash in China, because I can’t use my credit card too often in Iran, maybe I could exchange some cash after I arrive at the airport.
3. The way to book hotels is kind of annoying in Iran. If I want to book hotels before I get there, only I can only book (only) by phones or emails, and wait for them to confirm.
4. I need to buy a scarf and once I arrive there I will have to wear it as long as I am outside.
5. I will go to Esafahan, Tehran for sure. If possible I would love to go to a desert and stay for two days.
6. There are many museums in Tehran, and these museums will definitely help me to understand their culture better. They also have some cool cafes where I can spend the whole afternoon.
7. I will pick up two mosques to have a look, should be enough for me because they build some cafes just as mosque.