VIP Class Notes (Nick) [W]


Write another journal for next class. Practice your reading and your pronunciation, especially /ai/ and /a/.


Contraction – when you don’t write some letters, and combine two words into one using an apostrophe ( ‘ )
e.g. I’m,     They’re,    Can’t,    Don’t,    Won’t
e.g. I am, They Are, Cannot, Do Not, Will Not

Alligator – a large animal, with skin like a snake, that lives in the water
e.g. Don’t go to close to the alligator! It might bite you!

Vowel – a, e, i, o, u (sometimes y)
Their names are the “long” sounds. /ai/ /ee/ /igh/ /oa/ /yoo/
They also have short sounds.            /a/  /e/     /i/    /0/    /u/

! – this is called an exclamation point, and it means that you’re happy when you’re writing
e.g. Today I have class at Smart English!


Use “a” to talk about something when we don’t need to know which one, or when there are others.
e.g. Today is a sunny day (others days were sunny too).

Open the light – turn on the light

The short form of “I am” is I’m. This is called a contraction.

Of course no – of course not

Writing exercise

Today is Monday. It is sunny day. Today I got a praise note. I’am very hapy at school. After school I tell my mum my mum give me an ice-cream “Good job, Sophie”

Today is Monday. It is a sunny day. Today I got a good report from my teacher. I’m very happy at school. After school I told my mum and my mum gave me an ice-cream. “Good job, Sophie!”


Review alphabet:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Studied -l, -ai sounds from phonics book.

Happy vs. “hapy” – short vowel vs. long vowel
The first is like in “apple,” the second is like in “praise.”
When a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) is followed by two consonants (any other letter), it makes a “short” sound.
Compared /a/ and /ai/ in book.

Alligator vs. Elevator

Image result for alligator
Image result for elevator