VIP Class Notes (Nick) [W]

Next Class Focus

How do you use “heads up”?


Write out the response we discussed for the situation with the celebrity trainer. Try to make the function of every sentence clear, and to connect it clearly to the next sentence so that the reader/listener is drawn inexorably along in agreement with you.

Prepare another interview question for the speaking section.


Would shows that something would have been certain if a condition happened
e.g. If he had called, I would have gone.
Will shows what is certain in the future, but maybe with a condition
e.g. I will go.
e.g. If he calls, I will go

Bank Vocabulary:
Deposit – to put money in an account
Debit – an account you expect to take money in and out of regularly
Savings – an account you expect to leave money in for a while
Investment – a higher rate of interest than a savings account (some risk)
Wire Transfer – to send money between bank accounts, and especially between banks or between countries
ACH Transfer – movement of money between banks in the US which has to pass through the “automatic clearing house” to make sure that the payments are good

Versatile – flexible, with many skills adequate to the different situations


You could take a try – you could give it a try

She request that – requested

Her available time – her availability

Fly between Taiwan back and forth – fly back and forth between Shanghai and Taiwan

Lots of problems between our collaborations –  in

Finally I knew more about her situation –  learned

Her family were not fully behind her – was

My learning is that I have to listen – what I learned is that . . .

In a structured and innovative company:
I am versatile, with experience in large companies, small companies, structured companies, and innovative companies.

Why is the celebrity trainer so important? (Stakes)
What was the problem? (Communication about family situation)
What was the solution? (Better communication to understand needs)

Writing exercise

If you went to the airport earlier, you might have enough time to complete the procedure for tax reimbursement.
If you submit the application form on time, the reimbursement could be paid on the 10th.
I can do that. Let me know if I should follow up.

If you had gone to the airport earlier, you might have had enough time to complete the procedure for tax reimbursement.
If you submit the application form on time, the reimbursement could / canshouldwould / will be paid on the 10th.
I can / could do that. Let me know if I should follow up.


Flavor – “long a”
e.g. Like in “rain”