VIP Class Notes (Nick) [W]


Disingenuous – not frank, candid, or straightforward; deceptive
e.g. If you write too much, it may even sound disingenuous.

Street signs – the signs that give you the names of the streets
Street/Traffic signals – the lights that tell you when to go, when to stop, when to turn

Signal – a sign about when to do or not to do something; information being sent
e.g. The traffic signals tell you when to go.
e.g. We can still get the am radio signal out here.
Sign – a sign is a more permanent indication of the direction to a place, a name, the rules for some place
e.g. exit sign; sign with the bathroom rules

Parsimonious – just like in Italian

Quotidian – daily
But for a newspaper, you could call it a daily


It’s wrote correctly – written

If they speak each other – speak with each other

Different compared to Florence, Rome, etc – different between

Writing exercise

Paper and pen corrections.