VIP Class Notes (Nick) [W]


Review the new vocabulary and continue to do the listening practice.
Write a story about visiting the United Nations.


Judgment vs. Decision
— “Decision” is one time that you decide something.
e.g. We made the decision to go to Jing’an Temple.
e.g. Also in law, the result of a case.
— “Judgment” is your ability to decide well (never use “a” or “the”); or, it’s a formal legal term for a legal decision (use “a” or “the”)
e.g. He has very poor judgment (he doesn’t decide well)
e.g. The judgment was against us in this case (the judge decided that the other side was right)

Excess – too much of something
e.g. We have an excess of food (we ordered too much and can’t eat it all)

Capital letter / Uppercase – a “big” letter
Lowercase – the opposite, a “small” letter
e.g. C vs. c, N vs. n

Author – someone who writes for a living
e.g. Did you know that he was an author.

Autobiography – when you write about your own life

United Nations – 联合国

Design – the shape you want something to have


I’m a bad time reader – I’m a poor judge of time
— Formally, good vs. bad (about a person) and well vs. poor (about an ability)

The food isn’t enough food – There isn’t enough food

Only use capital letters at the beginning of a sentence, or for “proper nouns.”

Usually, the “adverb of place” goes before the “adverb of time.”
e.g. I went to France last year.

Writing exercise

Transcription of a listening exercise:

Unit 12
Hi, This is my friend bob.
He’s from England.
Hi,Excess me,Ok.
Sit down Please.
What city in England you come from?
I come from London.
Have you ever been there?
No,I’ve never been.
I hope to go some there.
You can ,if you have choose the design.
Have you been here a long time?
I’ve been here for about seven years.
How about you?
I have been here around my life.
Why did you stay for such long time?
I stayed for many reasons.
Stayed for many reasons.
Are you married?
Yes, I am.
Is your wife beautiful?
Would you let see the picture of my wife?
That would be nice.
Wo,She is very lovely.
Is she from around here?
Thank you,
Yes, She is from here.
Do you have any children?
No,no children yet But suddenly near the future.
Where do you work?
I work at the newspaper.
Wo,the newspaper,
What do you do there?
I’m a reporter.

Unit 12
Hi, This is my friend Bob.
He’s from England.
Hi, excuse me, ok.
Sit down, please.
What city in England do you come from?
I come from London. Have you ever been there?
No, I’ve never been. I hope to go someday.
You can, if you have true desire.
Have you been here a long time?
I’ve been here for about seven years.
How about you?
I have been here all my life.
Why did you stay for such a long time?
I stayed here for many reasons.
Stayed for many reasons? Are you married?
Yes, I am.
Is your wife beautiful?
Would you like to see a picture of my wife?
That would be nice.
Oh, she is very lovely.
Is she from around here?
Thank you, Yes, She is from here.
Do you have any children?
No, no children yet But certainly in the future.
Where do you work?
I work at the newspaper.
Wow, the newspaper,
What do you do there?
I’m a reporter.


ExcessEks – sess
Excuse – eks – kyoos