VIP Class Notes (Nick) [S/W]

Writing exercise

Which do you like better? Races or games?

What type of games do you like best? Games of luck or skill?


Assignment – some work that you are given to do
e.g. We had a homework assignment in math that was about multiplication of numbers with 8.

Make sense? – do you understand? do you get what I said?
e.g. So that’s how you should use “homework” and “assignment.” Make sense how they are different? (明白了吗?)

Mean – when someone does something to hurt another person
e.g. Teachers who call their students “stupid” are very mean. They should not do that. An answer can be “wrong,” but a student should not be “stupid.”

Portugal – 葡萄牙
Spain – 西班牙

March (verb) – when people walk together in the army
March (noun) – some music that helps people to walk together, usually in the army

Trombone –  长号

Game of Chance – a game that you can’t be good at, but which depends upon your luck
e.g. When we spin the the Kinder Egg heroes, it’s not about who is good at spinning them, but about who is lucky and gets the higher number.
Game of Skill – a game that you can be good at
e.g. Soccer is a game of skill, because you can practice and get better.

Race – who is the fastest at doing something?
e.g. We had a foot-race to see who was the fastest runner.
e.g. You can race in boats, on bikes, rollerblades, etc.
Game – who is the best at reaching some goal?
e.g. Soccer is a game about who can get a ball into a goal with their feet most often.


I don’t have Nintendo Switch. Me too – me either
— When we want to express agreement with something negative (no, not), we use words like “either” or “any” instead of words like “too” or “some”

Homework is uncountable and cannot be “many” or have an “s” at the end
Assignment is countable and can be “many” and have an “s”
e.g. I have a lot of homework this weekend.
e.g. I have many homework assignments this weekend.

The “most bad” thing is “the worst”
The “most good” thing is “the best”

When you put “-ist” or “-er” on the end of a word, it means “a person who does.”
e.g. Write –> Writer
e.g. Paint –> Painter
e.g. Teach –> Teacher
e.g. Trombone –> Trombonist

Speaking exercise

Two person putting the head together and spin it. When it can’t spin we open it and look at the number inside its head. Whose number is biggerest that person is win this race. And if I am boring I will do this [spins head]. They doesn’t say anything. From the Kinder Egg. It’s a food, like a chocolate.

Two person people putting the heads together and spin it them. When they can’t spin any more, we open it them and look at the numbers inside its their heads. Whoever has the highest number is biggerest that person is wins the this race game. And if I am boring bored I will do this spin he heads of the toys. My teachers don’t say anything. I got these toys from the Kinder Eggs. It’s a food, like a chocolate.

Writing exercise

Homework is boring, tiring, and annoying, because we had a lot of homework and my teachers give me many homework this week end. I think it’s the badest thing in my life. If our teacher give us no homework, we can be very, very happy. I don’t like our teachers either, because our teachers always think we study badly and they says to some students they are very stupied (mean). The homework make me tired because we have a lot of homework and we done over homework very late, so I go to bed very late.

Homework is boring, tiring, and annoying, because we had a lot of homework. and My teachers gave me many homework assignments this weekend. I think it’s the worst thing in my life. If our teacher didn’t give / had not given us no any homework, we can would be very, very happy. I don’t like our teachers either, because our teachers always think we study badly and they says to some students they are very stupid. The homework makes me tired because we have a lot of homework and we have to work on done our homework until very late, so I also have to go to bed very late.