VIP Class Notes (Nick) [S]


Kind / Type – 种
e.g. What kind of ice cream did Mr. Bean buy?

Graduate – to leave a school when you are done learning there 毕业

Dance – to move around with music 跳舞
Teddy (Bear) – a bear that is soft and not real 泰迪熊,毛绒熊
e.g. Mr. Bean was dancing with his teddy bear.

Where? – 哪里

How often? – 几次

For how long? – 多久一次?

Countless – 无数

Sea / Ocean – 海洋

Sink – when something goes underwater 下沉

Titanic – a very large ship that sank to the bottom of the ocean

Propeller – the part of a boat that makes it move by spinning 螺旋桨

他自己做了一个 – He will make himself one

Sneeze – ACHOO!! 打喷嚏

他开了一家店 – He opens a store

Money – 钱
e.g. Mr. Bean is making lots of money with his “Pizza Bean” store.

Factory – a place for making stuff very quickly 工厂
e.g. Mr. Bean is trying to make a pizza factory.

Because – 因为

Order -点菜,订单
e.g. Mr. Bean has too many orders that the can’t deliver.

I’ve got a bone to pick with you! – I am angry about something that you did


Buy – bought
e.g. I will buy an ice cream today. I bought an ice cream yesterday

Speaking exercise

I don’t like play volleyball. I don’t know play volleyball. I like play soccer. Soccer is good. I play soccer fast my friends. My friends play soccer park. 12 o’clock night go to play soccer. I go to play is very many my friends. 无数次

I don’t like to play volleyball, because I don’t know how to play volleyball. I like to play soccer. Soccer is good. I run very fast when I play soccer fast with my friends. My friends play soccer at the park. At 12 o’clock at night I go to play soccer. When I go to play is there are always very many of my friends. I have played soccer countless times.