VIP Class Notes (Nick) [S]


Which instrument is your favorite? Would you rather play an instrument, sing, or whistle?


Parts of the Hand:

Image result for names of fingers

Thumb – the finger you use to grab stuff, to hold it
Index finger – the finger you use to point at stuff
Middle finger – the longest finger
Ring finger – the finger you put rings on
Pinky – the smallest finger
Palm – 掌
Wrist – the part of your hand that connects to your arm

(Red) Bandana – a square thing that you can tie around your neck or your head 红领巾
Image result for bandanaImage result for bandana

Wagon – a small car with four wheels that you can ride in or pull around with your stuff
Image result for wagonImage result for wagon

Metal – 金属

Whistle – to make a high sound by blowing air between your lips 吹口哨

Instrument – 乐器

Bassoon – 巴松,低音双簧管
Flute – 长笛

Brass Instruments – instruments made of metal
French Horn – 圆号
Trumpet – 小号
Trombone – 长号
Tuba – 大号

Drumming – hitting things in time with music 击鼓
e.g. It seems that Hades would be a good drummer.

Orbit – when something goes around something else for a very long time
e.g. Earth is orbiting the Sun, but asteroids do not orbit the Sun.

Jungle – a very hot place with lots of plants and animals 丛林
e.g. Mowgli is a kid living in the jungle, and he is there when King Louie sings “I wanna be like you”

Knot – when you tie something so that it will stay tied; something that is hard to untie 绳 结
e.g. Hades tied a knot in his bandana so that his bag wouldn’t fall off of the chair.

Monkey – 猴子
Ape – 猿

Speaking exercise

A asteroid to the Earth. Hit the Earth. Earth is *pshoo chyoo pfaaa* Dinosaur is died because the asteroid hit the sea.

An asteroid came to the Earth and hit the Earth. The Earth is asteroid caused a huge explosion *pshoo chyoo pfaaa* The dinosaurs is all died because the asteroid hit the sea.