VIP Class Notes (Nick) [S]


Write an email explaining who you are and what your company does to a foreign client.


Foreign – someone or something from another country 国外

Domestic – opposite of international; within one country
e.g. When I have to communicate with global, I have to use English, but when I just need to do domestic business, I can use Chinese.

正式 – official, formal – something important that has to be done in a specific way
e.g. These agreements are just to document what we discussed. They are not as formal as contracts.

Rocketship / Spaceship – something that uses fire to fly away from the Earth into space
e.g. If you do a writing homework, an email, and come to two classes a week, your progress will be like a rocketship.

Dragon Boat Festival – 端午

Sticky – when two things touch and they don’t come apart again 粘的
e.g. Zongzi are made with sticky rice, and usually meat.

Flavors – 味道
Salty – 咸的
Sweet – 甜的
Sugar – 糖 sugary (adj)
Sour / Acidic – 酸的
Bitter – 苦
Spicy – 辣

Types of spicy:
Mild – 微辣
Medium – 中辣
Spicy – 辣
Hot – 重辣
Flaming / Burning – 爆辣

Adjective (adj) – 形容词

Bund – 外滩

Classmate – 同学

Mascot – an animal or person that represents a group or company 吉祥物
e.g. The lion you see in that picture is the SmartEnglish Mascot.

Color – 颜色

Tense – the time of a verb
e.g. Past tense, present tense, future tense


I can’t think out how to make a sentence – figure out
— when you have some problem and your find a solution

Look at the section on “making sentences”

First, you need a subject, a verb, and an object (主语,动词,宾语) – who does what to whom?
e.g. I eat apples.
e.g. I like (going to the park).
— This is just a big object.
e.g. Judy, Jesse, my wife, and I want to go out to eat.
— A big subject AND a big object
e.g. The Chinese people have spent many years building a strong country.
— A big subject, a double verb, a length of time, and then a big object

Each of these sentences is just the same kind of things put together in the same way. But, we can also add more information, usually at the end of the sentence (NOTE: this is different from Chinese in order)

[Main sentence, S + V + O] + [extra information: time, with who, why, how often, etc.]
e.g. I went to lunch with my friends.
Then, you can connect two ideas with a conjunction, like and, or, but, because, etc.
e.g. I went to exercise and then I went out to eat with my friends.

The Smart Way to Learn English

Speaking exercise

Eat a small thing (zongzi). 外滩, 同学家. I went shopping with my friends at Hongkou Football Stadium Shopping Mall.

I eat ate a small thing zongzi. I went to the Bund with my classmatesI went to / stayed at my classmate’s house. I went shopping with my friends at the Hongkou Football Stadium Shopping Mall.


Sour – sau – er