VIP Class Notes (Nick) [S]

Next Class Focus

Practice word order in statements and questions.
“What is this?” vs. “I don’t know what this is.”
“Who are you?” vs. “You are Jason.”


Beginning – the first part of something
Begin – to start
e.g. Class begins at 4:10.

Question words:
Who, what, when, where, why, how

Blow – to push air out of mouth or nose
e.g. His soup was too hot, so he blew on it for a minute.
e.g. You have a runny nose! Here is a tissue so you can blow it.

Snot – what boogers are made out of
e.g. A booger is one piece of dry snot.

Dry – without water 干燥 ganzao
Wet – with water 湿 shi

Fall out – 掉外面 diao waimian, 掉出来了diao chulai le

Parts of a lion:
Fur – the hair on a lion
Mane – the darker hair around a boy lion’s head
Whiskers – the long hairs near a lion’s mouth
Paws – the feet of an animal
Claws – the pointy parts on the end of a lion’s toes 爪子 zhuazi

Toe – like a finger on your foot 脚指 jiaozhi

Panda – 熊猫 xiongmao

Big numbers:
One – 1
Ten – 10
Hundred – 100
Thousand – 1000 (Ten thousand, hundred thousand)
– 1,000,000 (百万 bai wan)
Billion – 1,000,000,000 (十亿 shi yi)
Trillion – 1,000,000,000,000 (一兆 yi zhao)

Forget – to not remember 忘记 wangji
e.g. I forgot what I wanted to say.
Remember – to not forget 记得 jide
e.g. I remember your name! You’re Jason!

Opposite – something that means what something else does not
e.g. Remember and forget are opposites.

Up – above, over 上 shang (the opposite of down)
Down – below, under 下 xia (the opposite of up)

Upside-down – to put the head down and the feet up 倒置 daozhi
e.g. As a kid, I liked to hand upside down in trees.


我不知道是什么 in English is: “I don’t know what it is.”
Put question words at the beginning:
What is this?
Who are you?
When are you coming to class?
How did you do that?
Where do you live?
Why do you like to study English?

Speaking exercise

One booger, his name is Poolie Halie. He is 1,000 years old. His grandpa is 100,000 years old. His grand-grand-grand-grandpa is 1,000 1,000, 1,000 1,000 years old. His grandpa is a teacher, and his grandpa grandpa grandpa is a teacher.

There is one booger whose name is Poolie Halie. He is 1,000 years old. His grandpa is 100,000 years old. His great-great-great-grandpa is 1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion) years old. His grandpa is a teacher, and his great-great-grandpa is a teacher.


His vs. He’s – short “i” vs. long “e”