VIP Class Notes (Nick) [S]


Rug – something you put on part of your floor and can be moved 地毯
Carpet – something that covers all of your floor and can’t be moved 地毯

Cilantro – a very important part of a taco 香菜

Thief – someone who takes other people’s things 小偷

Catch – to stop someone who is trying to run away 抓住

Jail – a place where they put bad people so that they can’t do bad things anymore 监狱

Steal – to take someone else’s things 偷走

Cute – 可爱
e.g. Helen likes black cats because they are very cute.

Eraser – what you use when you write something wrong and you want to change it 橡皮
e.g. Helen found a lion in the room. The lion is hugging a cup. Inside of the cup, she found an eraser.

Grow – for something to get bigger and taller
e.g. Helen is growing, and soon she will be very tall.

Speaking exercise

The thief got someone’s else things. He is Jack. Jack is looking. He see the thief. He is calling policeman. He say: “There is a thief in someone house.” “Ok, I ready to catch the thief.” The policeman is stopping and catching the thief.

The thief got took someone‘s else’s things. He is Jack. Jack, a boy outside, was looking. He saw the thief stealing from the house. He is called the policeman. He said: “There is a thief in someone’s house.” The policeman said: “Ok, I am ready to catch the thief.” The policeman is stopped and caught the thief.