VIP Class Notes (Nick) [S/W]


Which planet would be the coolest to visit?


Enthusiastic – to have a lot of energy, to be excited 热情

Solar System – a group of objects around one star; our star is called the Sun
Planet – 星球

The Planets:
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
   水星,    金星,   地球,火星   木星,   土星,   天王星, 海王星

Mass – how much stuff is in something; how heavy it is
e.g. Nick’s mass is ~75kg

Period – how long it takes a planet to go around the Sun
e.g. Mercury’s period is only 25% of Earth’s. That means that every year on Mercury is only three months. So on Mercury, Max would be 44 years old!

Indiscriminately – without paying attention to where or how much
e.g. He threw his garbage indiscriminately around his house, and now his house is very dirty.

Grow – to get bigger; to help something else get bigger
e.g. I am growing everyday, and soon I will be very tall.
Grow up – to become an adult; to get older and know more 成大
e.g. When Max grows up, he wants to make games.

Writing exercise

Our earth was very clean but now it’s dirty because now people destroy the environment and the earth will be very dangerous in the future. Nowadays people always cut down trees excessively and they emit waste gas indiscriminately and it pollutes the air, the water and the environment. People need to grow up many trees and they need to reduce to build the factory and reduse discharge of dirty gas. Then the our earth will be safe.

Our earth was very clean but now it’s dirty because now people have destroyed the environment and the earth will be very dangerous in the future. Nowadays people are always excessively cutting down trees excessively and they emit waste gas indiscriminately and it pollutes the air, the water and the environment. People need to grow up many trees and they need to reduce to build** the number of factories and reduce the discharge of dirty gas. Then the / our earth will be safe.

** they need to stop building new factories


Excessively – ek – sess – iv – lee

Indiscriminately – in – dis – crim – it – lee