VIP Class Notes (Nick) [S]

Next Class Focus

Continue reading from Robin Hood to practice pronunciation and learn new vocabulary.


Hunt – 打猎
e.g. A common animal to hunt is deer 鹿

Guard – 看守

Care for – 照料

Marry – 结婚

Husband / Wife – when a man and woman get married, they are called husband and wife

Enemy – 敌人

Glad – happy 高兴

Gold – 金

Prize – 奖品


Where is your from? – Where are you from?

Speaking exercise

I five o’clock wake up. Many many many class. Chinese, math, En-ge-la-xi. This is a Chinese class because it is Chinese. Look, this is Chinese! This is so many Chinese!

woke up at five o’clock. I have many many many classes: Chinese, math, English. This is a Chinese class because it is in Chinese. Look, these are Chinese! This is so many Chinese!


C – can make two different sounds; sometimes it makes a “k” sound, and sometimes it makes an “s” sound
— Before a, o, or u, “c” makes a “k” sound
— Before an e or i, it makes an “s” sound
— At the end, it makes a “k” sound

Prize – be careful to say the “z” sound with voice