VIP Class Notes (Nick) [S]


Write about the story of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang.
(Don’t use “the” with names!)

Review your vocabulary.


Slam – to hit something very hard, or to close something with a loud noise
e.g. Don’t slam the door! People are sleeping!

Air conditioning – a machine used to cool the air
e.g. Do you use the air conditioning?

Slow motion – when you watch a video at a speed much slower than the normal speed
e.g. When you watch something in slow motion, the voices often sound very low and funny.

History – 历史

The Yellow Turbans – an army from the beginning of the Three Kingdoms period.

Rebellion / Revolution – when you fight against the people in power
e.g. The Yellow Turban Rebellion
e.g. The Chinese Communist Revolution

Have vs. There is/are
— “Have” is something a person controls
— “There is” tells us how many, existence 存在

Person vs. People – one vs. many

Cobbler – a person who makes shoes
e.g. Liu Bei was a cobbler.

Palace – 宫殿

Barracks – the place where soldiers live, 军营

Primitive – very simple, not advanced, like cavemen
e.g. At that time, Hank says that Japan was very primitive.

Sighed – to let out a lot of air from your mouth, 叹息


Remember to use “how” to ask about the way something is done.

You can wait me one minute – Please, wait for me for one minute / Please, give me just a minute

For names, we don’t use “the” or “a.”
e.g. Hank, not the Hank
e.g. Liu Bei, not the Liu Bei

Speaking exercise

The story name is: Three country. It’s a 历史 in China.

Long time ago has a people. His name is Liu Bei. He is the king son of 17. He do the shoes. He knows the words. In that here (那时候) many people don’t know words. The king for the city, the Liu Bei read the words. The 造反 is about the 黄巾军. It’s want many people buy the job in the 军营. The Liu Bei (let out a lot of air).

The story name is: The Three Kingdoms. It’s Chinese history.

A long time ago there was a person. His name is Liu Bei. He is the emperor‘s seventeenth son of 17. He was a cobbler. He could read. In that time many people couldn’t read. The city emperor was in the palace and writes orders, the Liu Bei could read the words. The rebellion was to kill the Yellow Turban Army. It made many people apply for a job in the barracks. The Liu Bei sighed.


Three – put your tongue between your teeth for the “th”

Read – present vs. past; reed vs. red