VIP Class Notes (Nick)


How does Lipton produce their tea? Do they use good leaves? What is the effect of grinding them into powder?


东方卫视 – Oriental TV

Union – a group workers fighting together for higher pay, safer working conditions, more vacation time, etc. (e.g. a union, the union)
Union – when many things are one

Tranquility – when things are peaceful, relaxing, pleasant
e.g. This farm is very tranquil since it is outside of town.

Military Service – the time that you are a soldier

Party – a political group that has a particular set of ideas 党
e.g. The Chinese Communist Party, the Democratic Party, etc.

Waiting list – someone who is qualified to enter some group or association, but is not high enough in the rankings to enter immediately

Ranking – an order of some group of things from best to worst
e.g. I saw an article the other day that ranked the most friendly European countries.

Notify – when someone tells you some information because you have some reason to need/want to know it; I give you some information, and then you decide what to do about it
Notice – when something comes to your attention; I am responding to something new around me
e.g. This letter is to notify you that if you do not take further action we will cancel your subscription to this newspaper.
e.g. I noticed that you have new shoes today!

Parking spot – a place where you can leave your car
Parking garage – 停车库

有什么吃什么 – I’ll eat anything / I’ll take whatever you have / I’m not picky
Here are some eating idioms:

Picky – when someone is hard to satisfy
e.g. He’s a very picky boy. He only eats tuna sandwiches.

Fishy – when something smells like the ocean, like fish or seaweed, and especially when those are no longer fresh; anything that you suspect is no longer fresh
e.g. I don’t like conch (海螺) because it is much too “fishy” tasting.
e.g. This yogurt smells a little fishy… I think we’d better throw it away (this doesn’t really smell like fish, but it is probably bad)

Straight – a drink unmixed with other drinks
e.g. You should drink good alcohol or tea “straight” so that you can really get the taste. (There’s a reason that it’s a “Jack and Coke,” because Jack Daniels is cheap)


Everyday we should upstairsgo upstairs

I am not understand – I don’t

How do you say that use English – in English

Very good for healthy – very good for health

For the price of a Starbucks coffee you can got one – get