VIP Class Notes (Nick) [S]


Sausage – 香肠
e.g. In Chicago we like to eat two kinds of sausage: Italian and Polish sausage.

Lose – when you put something somewhere and then you can’t remember where that was 丢, 失去
e.g. Jerry lost his father’s charger, so he bought a new one for him. He is a good son.
Charger – what you use to put energy in a battery, like for your phone 充电器

Dining Hall / Canteen – 食堂
e.g. Nick ate his lunch in the dining hall today.

Graduate Student – 研究生
e.g. Nick is a graduate student at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Booger – something you pull out from your nose

Mint – a small candy with the flavor of 薄荷
e.g. Jerry brought a lot of mints with him from his Japanese class.
Catnip – 猫薄荷
e.g. Jerry grows catnip and likes to use to catch cats so that he can cook their meat.

Poop – 大便
e.g. Jerry was telling me about cat-poop coffee.
Kopi luwak – a type of coffee that is eaten and then pooped out by an animal called a civet
Image result for civet

Coffee Beans – the part of coffee that you put in hot water make coffee
e.g. If you have good beans, you still have to roast them so that they taste even better.
Roast – 烤, 烘焙

Sentence – 句子
e.g. Give me a whole sentence.

Fiancée/Fiancé – someone you are planning to marry
e.g. Nick’s fiancée is Chinese.

Scary – 可怕
e.g. Don’t you think that zombies are scary?

Shredder – a machine that cuts a piece of paper into many smaller pieces of paper 碎 纸 机

Cap – 盖


I like the potato – I like potatoes

Are you hungry? Not much – not very / really

How long to over class – How long until class is over?

You are very big – you are older than me

Speaking exercise

In a place I have Japanese class. From the building. There! It’s far away from this building. I eat sandwich and noodle for lunch. Meat and cheese sandwich. The good kind of meat, the sweet kind of cheese. Only the cheese is sweet. I buy this for my father because I put his this I don’t know where is it.

got these mints from in a the place where I have Japanese class. I got them from the building / from reception. It’s over there! It’s far away from this building. I eat ate a meat-and-cheese sandwich and noodles for lunch. Meat and cheese sandwich. It was made with the a good kind of meat and a sweet kind of cheese. Only the cheese is sweet, not the meat. I bought bought this charger for my father because I put lost his, this I don’t know where is it is.