VIP Class Notes (Nick)


Check out this museum, it is very interactive. Do you think that you would like this museum?


Live Action – not a cartoon; with real people
e.g. They just made a live-action Aladdin (阿拉丁) that is supposed to be good.

Voice message – a message using sound
Text message – a written message

Context – the situation and information around a word that may help you to guess its meaning

Dish – something for serving food, anything from a plate to a large bowl
e.g. In Chicago, they use a special deep dish to cook their pizza, which makes it brown on the outside and soft on the inside.

Serve food – to give food to people so that they can eat it 上菜
e.g. I will use my nice set of dishes to serve food tonight, because Mr. Jones is a very important guest.

Quiz – a small test 测验
Quit – to give up, to not try anymore
e.g. I can’t get my computer to work! I quit! I’ll try again tomorrow…

Spin – to move in a circle without going anywhere 自转
e.g. The Earth spins one time every day (or actually, a day is the time it takes for the Earth to spin once).
Axis – the line around which something spins (axes is the plural); also, the part of a car that connects the wheels; anything in the middle of something that spins
e.g. The north and south poles are on the Earth’s axis.

Plug (noun, verb) – something fits into something else, usually something like a charger or an internet cable; to put something of this type into something else
e.g. My plug got broken when I stepped on it, so now I can’t charge my phone.
e.g. I need to plug in my computer before it dies!

Dramatic – something that is like acting; something that is loud, emotional; someone who moves very quickly from sad to angry to happy, etc. 戏剧性
e.g. She doesn’t like him, because he is too dramatic and she finds that tiring.

Anti – opposite
Anti + Arctic = Antarctic

North, South, East, West – when you say all four directions, I think it is always in this order

Air (conditioning) – a machine that makes cold air for when a room is too hot
— We often just it “the air”
e.g. I think at 6:15 they turned off the air, and now it is too hot in here.

Action Movie – a movie with lots of racing, running, fighting, explosions, etc.
e.g. Godzilla is a recent action movie.
e.g. Jackie Chan is famous for making action movies.

Museum vs. Exhibit vs. Exhibition – a museum is usually in one place for a long time, if not permanently; but, inside of a museum, they often change the kind of things that they show you. These things are called the “exhibits.” A large show where they show you things, but which is not in one place forever, is usually called an “exhibition.”

Interactive – something that you don’t just look at, but that you can play with the learn
e.g. Lily doesn’t really like museums, because they are not usually interactive.


If they talked too fast – If they speak too quickly

Not usually to use – Not usually used
— Here, “used” is an adjective, so we have to use the past tense of the verb for that, and we don’t need “to”

I only have two parts of my name – in
— Your name is a thing with two parts, parts that are “in” it.
— These parts do not “make” the name

Jackie Chan is an action movie
— Usually, since Jackie is a person, not a movie, we would say that he stars in or is famous for making action movies.
— But, if you want to say that he is so exciting that his whole life is like a non-stop action movie, then you could say: “Jackie Chan IS an action movie.”

It has Jackie Chan museum – there is a JC museum


Shape vs. Ship – long “a” and short “I”