VIP Class Notes (Nick)


What is the best dish from Guangdong style cooking? Is it similar to the food from Liaoning?


Inspire – to give people dreams, to make them dream, to believe in a cause, company, etc.
e.g. People want to work in e-commerce companies because they inspire young people to feel like they are changing the world.

Tailored – customized, when something suits a particular audience; it fits
e.g. These days, e-commerce campaigns need to be tailored to different audiences, because so many different companies are fighting for one person’s attention.

Infection – when you get bacteria in your body
e.g. My friend had an eye infection, which ruined our trip.
Affection – showing that you like someone, like between parents and children, spouses, friends, etc.
e.g. You can really see the affection between those brothers.

Coals – the part of a fire after it has mostly burned, but there are still hot orange pieces left
e.g. Beijing hotpot really uses live coals to heat the pot.

Broth – the water in a soup and the type of flavors (chicken flavor, beef flavor, pork flavor)
e.g. In Beijing hotpot, the broth is created by cooking meat. Therefore, the quality of the meat that you use is very important.

Millet – 小米


That will impacts a lot of things – impact

There is definitely not sales – there are definitely no sales

UV campaign is one of it – UV campaigns are one of them

Without the products sold out – even if the products don’t sell out

Any people famous – anyone famous / any famous people / any people who are famous

Usually the place are decided by them – places / locations

Because the time of themtheir time
— “Of” is also used to show what something is
e.g. A table of wood (made of wood)

Send a message to a person who are in Beijing – is

Going for restaurants – to

Even the trip was over she didn’t recover – even once the trip was over she hadn’t recovered
— “Didn’t” means that something is now impossible; “hadn’t” is more like “not yet”

Hotpot may be exceptionalan exception
— “Exceptional” means really, really good
— “An exception” means something that doesn’t fit a rule

Very far from the central city – city center / center of the city / downtown