VIP Class Notes (Nick)


Do some writing and focus on sentences (grammar) – connect everything with conjunctions.
Try to use the vocabulary from this class and the last class!


To send by express mail – “express” is not a verb, so you have to send something express, or by express
e.g. I sent some clothes by express to my hometown.

Tracks – two pieces of metal that a train drives on
e.g. For a train to get somewhere, they must have tracks to run on.

High-speed rail / high-speed train – 高铁

Suburbs – the area outside of a city where the houses have yards
e.g. Summer really liked the suburbs near Kohler, Wisconsin.

Fountain – part of a building or a park where water sprays out, for decoration
e.g. Chicago has a famous fountain in its largest park.

Combine – to put two or more things together; to mix
e.g. If you combine red and blue, you get purple.
e.g. We are going to combine our two websites into one.

In place – for something to be put somewhere
e.g. The extra tables from the party are still in place. We haven’t had time to put them away.

Perimeter – something that shows the edge of something; like a fence or a wall
e.g. We have closed the perimeter of the construction site, because it is too dangerous for people to be walking around.

Picturesque – something so pretty that it looks like it came out of a picture, or could be put in one
e.g. This little house in the woods is picturesque!

Vowel – a, e, i, o, u (sometimes y)
Consonant – all the other letters

Regular – a person who goes somewhere regularly
e.g. He is a egular at this restaurant

Frantically – extremely worried and in a hurry
e.g. When his wife was hit by a car, he began frantically trying to help her and call an ambulance.

Supremacist – someone who believes that some types of people are better than others
e.g. The person who attacked the Al Noor mosque in Christchurch was a white supremacist (they thought that white people are better than other types of people).

Self-described – to tell other people that you believe something, or that you identify in some way
e.g. He is a self-described white supremacist (we didn’t decide that we think that he’s a white supremacist, HE told us that he is one).
e.g. He is a self-described teacher. (He doesn’t teach for living, but he likes to teach)

Live-stream – to make a video which people can watch as you are making it
e.g. Live-streams are a way to talk with people who are not in the place as you, usually by the internet.
e.g.  网红们 can make money by doing live-streams.

Internet Celebrity / E-celebrity / E-celeb – someone who is famous online

Electronic – a machine that runs on electricity (not gas, like a car), like computers, phones, coffeemakers (coffee machine), etc.; ways of doing things that don’t happen in person (e-mail: electronic mail; e-celebrity: someone who is famous online)

Apparently – how something appears, how it seems
e.g. Apparently, this store is now closed (I thought it was open, but it looks like it is actually closed)

Tackle – to jump on someone and knock them down
e.g. American football is about tackling the person who has the ball.

Spatula – a stick with a flat end used for cooking


When you want to use two directions, always put north or south in front of east or west.
e.g. Northwest, northeast, southwest, southeast


oo – this usually makes an ‘u’

Perimeter – per – ih – meh – ter

Picturesque – picture – esk

Supremacist – soo – pre – muh – sist