VIP Class Notes (Nick) [W]


Write longer sentences using “that,” thinking about the two rules:
1. Connecting parts that have S + V + [O]
2. Describing nouns with phrases


Continue with the article.


Flyover country – the states in the middle of the United States where

Couple – two
Few – more than two, but not “a lot”


That – used to connect two parts of a sentence with verbs
e.g. I told you that I would come to class today.
— To connect a part of sentence that describes a noun using a longer phrase.
e.g. He is the person that I met last week.
e.g. The one that I met last week.

Writing exercise

Original is from last week, with some additions edited together in Word:

After living three to four years in China, I am impressed and amazed at how technology is growing and influencing people in their daily life. For example, WeChat has become an unavoidable part of life. The average person is totally dependent upon this app! Everything from basic conversation functions to shopping, and even the purchasing of life insurance, has been integrated into WeChat. Technology also brings people closer together.

On the other hand, there is something that has become a problem. As a yoga teacher, I have been observing students’ interactions and attention spans and there are a few things which I would like to point out / that I noticed.
1 Their ability to observe and imitate my instructions is decreasing
2 They are easily distracted and fidget when they are impatient.
3 They are reluctant to pair up with other students for partner work