VIP Class Notes (Nick) [W]


Do some writing and focus on the grammar you learned in class today.

In particular, try to omit the subject and see if you can pick the right situations.


Meniscus – meniscos

Ligaments – ligamentos

Melt – derretir

Disintegrate – when something breaks into many small pieces
e.g. After more than an hour, my gum began to disintegrate.


Drink/drank/(have/had) drunk

When to repeat the subject – when you have the same subject, the same conjugation, and no verb is more important than the others, you can list the verbs without repeating the subject.
e.g. I ate a bagel, drank some coffee, and brushed my teeth, before I left for work.
— “Leave” is the most important verb, and “before” interrupts the list
e.g. I was eating a bagel when the phone rang.
— The phone “interrupts” your eating, and has a different subject.
e.g. I ate a bagel and she ate some toast.
— Same time and conjugation, but different subject.
e.g. While I was drinking my coffee, I checked my phone and (I) had a couple of messages from my husband and my friend.
— The first part is only giving background information, and is less important than checking your phone. This is a difference in importance. Also, checking your phone is interrupting the background activity.

We were spending vs. we spent
— Ask yourself if we know when the activity began and ended.

You are disappointed about a situation or an action, but disappointed with a person or thing.
e.g. I am disappointed about the trade war.
e.g. I am disappointed with the doctor who misdiagnosed my son’s knee problem.

Writing exercise

How was my last weekend?
The last Friday I woke up at 8:30am but I got up at 9:00am, immediately I showered and after that I prepared and drunk a coffee. While I was drinking my coffee, checked my phone and I had couple of messages from my husband and my friend, they were asking if I could have a lunch together, besides my friend wanted us to go to see her new place at 10:00, because she has changed her house. I decided to say yes. I left home and the sky was cloudy as if it was going to rain, do I wanted to back and to catch an umbrella, but which was my surprise? I noticed that I forgot my keys at home so, I went with my friend to see her home and then we were spending time in a shopping mall while we were waiting to our husbands for have a lunch. In the afternoon at 3:20 I had English class. after that I went my home and had a little nap, 30 minutes. At night we went to Italian restaurant named Seve but, we were disappointed about the food, we expected more, that mean that for long time we will not go back there.

How was my last weekend?
(This) last Friday I woke up at 8:30am, but I got up at 9:00am. Immediately, I showered and after that I prepared and drank a coffee. While I was drinking my coffee, I checked my phone and (I) had couple of messages from my husband and my friend. They were asking if we could have a lunch together,** besides my friend wanted us to go to see her new place at 10:00, because she moved. I decided to say yes (I agreed). I left home and the sky was cloudy as if it was (were) going to rain. Did I want to go back and get an umbrella? But, to my surprise, I noticed that I forgot my keys at home, so I could not. I went with my friend to see her home and then we spent time in a shopping mall while we were waiting for our husbands to have a lunch (all together). In the afternoon, at 3:20, I had English class. After that I went my home and had a little nap for 30 minutes. At night we went to an Italian restaurant named Seve but, we were disappointed with the food. We expected more! That means that we will not go back there for a long time.

**OR: They were asking if I could have lunch with them