VIP Class Notes (Nick)

Next Class Focus

Practice material from the IELTS book, especially reading.


Find some material from the IELTS books that you would like to use.

OR, find some articles you want to work on in class.
Maybe try this website:


Tater Tots – small pieces of potato made into small cylinders and fried; this word comes from the word “potato”
Image result for tater tots

Tartar Sauce – a type of mayonnaise used for fried seafood

Poet – a writer of poems

Rural – area outside of the city; countryside
e.g. My Mom lives in a rural town, with only 3000 people.

Idyll – a type of poem, especially about rural areas

Tantalizing – something that attracts you; temptation, but usually positive
e.g. The smell of the baking bread was tantalizing.

Fuel – something you can burn for energy, like wood, coal, gasoline; (verb) to give someone or something energy
e.g. We need to stop here and get some more fuel for the car.
e.g. The gains in the economy have fueled greater consumption.

Permanent – forever, not changing, perpetual; not temporary (adj)
e.g. If you get a tattoo, it is permanent!

Chicken – general term
Rooster – male chicken
Hen – female chicken

In-laws – the parents of your husband/wife
Spouse – the person you are married to

Confined – kept in a small area, not allowed to go outside
e.g. For being naughty, the boy was confined for one hour to his room.

Orchard – lots of fruit trees, a farm of trees
Apricot – 杏子
Ransack – to search everywhere, to make a mess; to steal things and make a mess.
e.g. They ransacked the house looking for the missing key. They didn’t find it, but they made a mess.


Mayonnaise – mae – yun – aze