VIP Class Notes (Nick)


Do you think that ultra-convenient shopping is good for China? Why?

Review your vocabulary!


Proof vs. A Proof
— “This is proof . . .” means that what I am telling you shows that something is true; very strong evidence; a thing
e.g. My passport is proof that I’m American.
— “A proof” is an argument that shows that something is true; often in math; a form of argument
e.g. A = B = C, therefore, A = C

Social vs. Socialize – adj vs. verb

To take action – to do something; to confront a problem
e.g. The flood waters are coming! We must take action! Stop waiting around!

Flour – powder made out of grains for cooking
e.g. I bought wheat flour for making dumplings.

Yeast – the bacteria that help bread to “rise”; they create the bubbles
e.g. Without yeast, you get very flat, dense bread.

Baguette – the long type of French bread

Sourdough Bread – 酸面团

Acid / Base – pH < 7 / pH > 7


He have not the ID card – He doesn’t have an ID card

How they want to socialsocialize

Many opinion in this video I don’t agree – I don’t agree with many opinions in this video
S + V + O + (Extra information)


Money vs. Marney – “r” and “n” are sort of close in what your tongue has to do, so be careful to keep your lips relaxed and move your tongue quickly