VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)[W]


Write about what you think are important lessons or rules that your young son should no when he is growing up. What are some important lessons or things that you think he should know or be prepared for when he started to go to school…

In your next writing assignment, try and use these two symbols:

— (em dash) / when you want to add a pause or stop in your writing and maybe make your writing more interesting and suspenseful (like oh what is she going to say); you can use this to break up a long sentence.

e.g. Zora is a great writer — you should see her writing.

: (colon) / try and use the colon when you want to reveal something; reveal is like “to show something” or to express…it’s like telling your reader the answer to your question. “OK so what is it? Tell me!” The colon says ” OK here it is…”

e.g. Zora had to make a big decision: where will she send her son to school?

Writing exercise


Yesterday I watched a short video about a Thai who lived in a hole.

Last year was a tough year, his music team was disband. His was cut the source of economy. He remember, there is a beautiful place must be suitable for him. That place was found during the band performance in a beautiful island. He found this comfortable hole for living which is good.
So consider for a while, then he made a big choice. He sold his big house which in Pai and moved to there

I saw his place which is a beautiful place. In his word, he own the best view of toilet in the world. Live in there, he rely on nature. When he wants some water, he needs take some tools to get water. There has some basic staff for live. And I think he is a romantic person, because he made a lot of adornments by himself.
Thailand is a warm place. You don’t need to worry about the temperature. I love there. I have been there for three times. But i don’t want to live in a hole. because there is no wifi. Will you?


Yesterday I watched a short video about a Thai person who lived in a hole.

Last year was a tough year for him; his band was disbanded. He was cut from his main source of income (money/my personal finances). He remembered, there was a beautiful place that was perfect for him. He found that place during a band performance on a beautiful island. He found a comfortable hole to live in. So, he considered this for a while, and then he made a big choice [decision]: he sold his big house in Pai and move to his new hole.

I saw his home — it was a beautiful place. In his words, his toilet had the best view in the world. To live here, he relied on nature. For example, when he wants some water, he uses tools to get water; he doesn’t buy it from a store. He has basic things for living. And I think he is a romantic person because he made a lot of adonrments by himself.

Thailand is a warm place. You don’t need to worry about the temperature — it’s always hot. I love it there. I have been there three times. But I don’t want to live in a hole because there is no wifi. Would you?


Always try and put the WHO first (subject) then WHAT THEY DID /ARE DOING (VERB) + Tell me where / Tell me why 

  • This will make the sentences longer and more clear for the reader.

e.g. My son hit a girl in his classroom.

e.g. My son hit a girl because he was angry at her.

using will vs. would

will = is more specific like using times and places. If you are asking about definite plans for the future (including when and where) that you should use “will”.

would = is more general talking about things that may not ever happen, but we just want to think about them. If you are asking me a question to consider or think about — you should use “would”.

met some dangerous with some guys / if he meets some dangerous men

during with a lot of girl / if he finds himself among many girls

he still was a child / he was still a child

i will taught any child i met / I taught every child I met / I teach every child I meet


self-defense / defending myself if I am in danger.

e.g. It’s good to teach children and women self-defense techniques so they can protect themselves if they must.

exposed himself / he showed himself to others in an inappropriate 不当way. 

bully 欺负 / 

e.g. We should teach children to never be a bully. (noun) I am a bully.

e.g. We should also teach children to never bully their friends. (verb) I bully others.


specific / SPEH-SI-FIC / to answer all questions (WHO, WHAT, WHERE WHY WHEN)

e.g. Are there any specific advertising channels you prefer?

e.g. Which specific advertising platforms have you tried in the past?

e.g. Can you be more specific?

e.g. Maybe it’s not specfic enough…

specifically /

e.g. OK. can you tell me specifically where you advertised?

accept / assept / ACK-SEPT / ack-septed

  • it sounds very simlar to EXCEPT