VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)[W/S]


Have you ever done anything that you regret?

What do you think about regrets? Is it usually good to have them or it is not good to have them?

Writing exercise


My favorite APP is Douban. Douban has two functions, scoring films and groups.
For Chinese movie lovers, the influence of Douban movie points is same as Rotten Tomatoes does. Besides that, most users of Douban are literary youth who have unique opinions and free spirit. They share their opinions not only on their own page but also in Douban groups. Douban groups are similar to BBS, each group has its own topic. Users should only talk about that topic. There are a huge plenty of talk groups on douban for every tiny topics.The biggst group has over 600 thousands users which is about gossip.
Douban has been in existence for over 14 years,these users on Douban lets me know different sides of things and widen my horizon,also affects on establishing my worldviews. After accepting positive side and negative side from Douban I have my own opinion and realize what kind of adult I want to become.


My favorite app is Douban. Douban has two functions: scoring films and group discussions / it’s a platform for rating films and discussing topics.

For Chinese movie lovers, the influence of a movie’s Douban rating / score is the same as Rotten Tomatoes / is similar to that of Rotten Tomatoes. Besides that, most Douban users are literary youth / creative youth who have unique opinions and free spirits. They share their opinions not only on their own page, but also in Douban groups. Douban groups are similar to BBS, each group has its own topic; users should only talk about that topic. There are a huge number of discussions groups /  plenty of groups on douban for every topic imaginable / even the very niche ones.The biggest group, which is about gossip, has over 600 thousands users.

Douban has been in existence for over 14 years,the users on Douban let me know different sides of things and widen my horizon / provide me with different perspective / give me different vantage points to widen my perspective ,It challenges my worldview / helps me establish my worldview.  After considering both the positive and negative sides from Douban I have my own opinion and realize what kind of adult I want to become.

Place / Put a Comma before “But”


platformsocial media platform – the different social media apps
There are so many different platforms that you can interact where you can interact with other people.
Douyin Douban Facebook — these are all social media platforms.

niche = “a tiny topic”
The groups on Douban represents different niches for example gossip, advice, etc.
Smart English serves a business niche — adults who want to improve their spoken English.

to take action / decisive
She was very decisive and once she realized she wanted a change — she did it. She took action.

reminisce – 追忆
Normally I don’t like listening to old songs because they may me reminisce about the past instead of think about my future.

what were you into – what were your interests or hobbies

Grade 2 of High School – sophomore year of high school

Year 1 – Freshman Year
Year 2 – Sophomore Year
Year 3 – Junior Year
year 4 – Senior Year

will you play with me – will you spend time with me

ambitious – 有雄心

Speaking exercise


For recent years maybe my friends, I don’t ask my parents anymore because I think their mind are old. My friends have similar experience like to me so we have similar minds / positions. My friends won’t say something like my parents like you must do something / judge me / they advise from a good side and bad side and I think their decisions are right. We work for different works and we have different experience too – I don’t know what he actually do and he doesn’t too / either he can’t make decision by me but if  in life or like how to decoration our home its ok but for work I will ask my friends more.


In recent years maybe I get advice from my friends, I don’t ask my parents anymore because I think their minds are old/ thinking is old. My friends have similar experiences to mine / experienced similar things as me so we have similar minds / positions. My friends won’t say something like my parents like you must do something / [judge me] / they advise from a good side and bad side / they give me the pros and the cons and I think their decisions are right. We work for different companies / jobs / we have different careers and we have different experiences too – I don’t know what he actually does. I dont’ know what he doesn’t do either. He can’t make decisions for me but if in life or like how to decorate our home its ok but for work I will ask my friends more / I tend to ask my friends more.


so a government gives

from I born
from when I was born

she wants to control my life from young to now
she wants to control my life from youth until now
she’s always tried to control my life even from when I was young until today

but by that time they didn’t want their girlfriend anymore
but when that finally happened they didn’t want their girlfriend anymore

it does have some difficult time / it has its difficulties 

and before they married
and before they got married

one of my best friend she divorced last year
one of my best friends divorced last year

one day she was woke up and said I don’t like my husband
one day she woke up and said I don’t like my husband

parts of them are married and parts of them are alone
some of them are married and some are alone

stayed at home..sleeping
Uh let me think…yesterday I stayed at home for most of the day…I slept.


niche – NEE-SHUH

reminisce – REM-IH-NISS

sophomore – SOFF-MORE