VIP Class Notes (Nicholas) [S/W]


What is rampant problem in society? What is the problem and why is it so rampant?

Next Class Focus

Review vocabulary and grammar.

Writing exercise


short summary about our conversation

Do you believe in fate?

Yes. I do.

Fate means the tendency, the likelihood you’re gonna grow into something. If you’re an acorn, you will probably become an acorn tree.

But many people can’t accomplish their fates because of their environments. Environments can’t always be perfect.

To me, it’s about the struggle to survive. There are a lot of sacrifices you can make to achieve your goal. Sounds crazy but honest.


Short summary about our conversation:

Do you believe in fate?

Yes, I do.

Fate means the tendency or the likelihood that you’re gonna grow into something. If you’re an acorn, you will probably become an acorn tree.

Many people don’t accomplish their fates / destinies because of their environments. Environments aren’t / can’t always be perfect.

For me, it’s about the struggle to survive. There are a lot of sacrifices you must make to achieve your goals. It sounds crazy, but it’s honest.

Speaking exercise


Remember the Bible, Eve was made by the rib of Adam – they are soulmates, so if a couple – if there are different layers of existence – souls exist before bodies, and God has arranged you and your partner.


Remember the Bible, Eve was made from the rib of Adam – they were soulmates, so if a couple – if there are different layers of existence – souls exist before bodies, and God has arranged you and your partner.


strong urge to survive – it’s like for ex you have many many rules but if it violates your survival will you do what you cannot do. but some people but when they are not willing to break those rules it could means doom to them. no matter what I do I will let my husband believe I am doing the right thing. he cannot argue with me. They always teach their children to restrain ambition, and restrain your shortcoming to be a better person, I thin kits kind of Chinese philosophy so I think its easier for us than for a westerner.


strong urge to survive / the will to survive – for example perhaps you have many rules for yourself, but if it’s a life or death situation, maybe you will break those rules, but if people are unwilling to break those rules it could mean / spell doom for them. No matter what I do I will let my husband believe / I will convince my husband that I am doing the right thing. He cannot argue with me. They always teach their children to restrain ambition, and restrain your shortcomings to be / become a better person, I think its kind of like / it’s a kind of Chinese philosophy so I think its easier for us than for Westerners.


I’ve never been outside of Shanghai
I’ve never lived outside of Shanghai

it feels like
it felt like

If I was rich I will help kids.
If I was rich I would help kids.

if you have a choice
if you had a choice

what are you persisting with these days


destructive – it destroys – ç ´å性
e.g. Leading a promiscuous lifestyle is often destructive.

It’s not just about surviving, it’t about thriving
We don’t want you to just survive, we want you to thrive.

worship – åšç¤¼æ‹œ

intermediary – someone who goes in-between

running rampant – it was widespread

take a vow of celibacy abstain from sex – to have no sex

pedophilia – æ‹ ç«¥ ç™–
pedo – child
philia – love
e.g. Unfortunately, in the Catholic church, many of the priests were pedophiles.
e.g. Pedophilia 
was running rampant within the Catholic Church.

Philadelphia – The City of Brotherly Love
Agape – The Love of God, Supreme Love

pinnacle – peak – precipice

high-trust societies
low-trust societies

cared about themselves – [self-centered]
too materialistic

happy medium
