VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)[S]

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How long have you worked in the investment industry?

Review pronunciation.

Needs more review

today I got up at 7 o’clock / 7 AM
everyday I get up at 7 o’clock / 7 AM / 7 in the morning

Speaking exercise


My job is very hard because my job is very complex, example in today my going to office at 10 o’clock / AM I’m employee and me about an acquisition. I think my job is a lot of meeting everyday. Everyday a lot of meeting. I don’t like this job because I don’t meeting, maybe meeting face-to-face, telephone meeting, in the morning I finish 3 meetings, 12 AM I am lunch in Shangri Le hotel I had Japanese food – I hate meeting in – lunch meeting. Talking. Work talking I hate. Outside work – but you know business in America or San Francisco, I hate East and West fly I don’t like maybe jet lag. San Francisco 1 month.In now I like China maybe I older I like America.


My job is very hard because my job is very complex, for example today I went to my office at 10 o’clock.  I met with a colleague about an acquisition / I had a meeting with a colleague about an acquisition. I think my job has a lot of meetings everyday. Everyday I have a lot of meetings. I don’t like this job because I don’t like meetings, such as / for example meetings face-to-face, conference calls, this morning I finished 3 meetings, 12 PM I had lunch at the Shangri Le hotel I had Japanese food – I hate lunch meetings. We were talking. I hate talking about work . Outside work – but you know business in America or San Francisco, I hate flying East to West fly. I don’t like jet lag / I don’t like feeling jet lagged.In now I like China more maybe if I was I older I would like America more.






because – BE-CUZ

world – WHIRL-LA-DUH



jet lag

jet lagged


conference call <> telephone meeting
e.g. I was on a conference call with my colleagues.
e.g. I had a conference call with my colleagues.

video conference <> video meeting
e.g. I had a video conference this morning with my colleagues.
e.g. I was on a video conference this morning with my colleagues.

colleagues – åŒäº‹

professional – 专业
e.g. I am an investment professional.
e.g. Jennifer was wearing a suit — she looked very professional.

complex – å¤æ‚
e.g. My job is very complex.

acquisition – 收购

investment – 投资
e.g. I am an investment manager.
e.g. I work in investments. I’m a manager.
e.g. I work in education. I’m a teacher

jet lag – 时差
e.g. I fly to America once a month. I get terrible jet lag.
e.g. I’m sorry I can’t come to diner, I am jet lagged.
e.g. I have jet lag.
e.g. I am jet lagged.

business class -商务舱
e.g. Jennifer flies business class.
e.g. I fly business class.
e.g. I fly business because my company pays for it.

economy class – ç»æµŽèˆ±
e.g. Nicholas flies economy class because he is poor.
e.g. When I lived in New York, I was rich; but now I am a teacher and I am poor.
e.g. I fly economy — it’s such a long flight.

It is a such a long flight.
It is a very long flight.
She is a very beautiful girl.
She is such a beautiful girl.
She is a beautiful girl.

He’s poor.
He’s so poor.
He’s such a poor man.


today is a work day 
today is a working day
Monday through Friday is the workweek
the workweek has 5 days
the weekend has 2 days

I worked in the investment industry
I work in the investment industry
I work in investments 

because my company pays for it

usually in the morning I finish 3 meetings
this morning I finished 3 meetings

in the morning = every morning
in the morning I brush my teeth
every morning I brush my teeth

I hate flying
I hate to fly
I hate fly