VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)(S)


platforms / the type of social media

bully / to bully / to be mean to someone to shove them to push them and to say unkind words

e.g. He’s a bully because he was mean to me in school.

presence / how you make someone feel / social media presence / your online presence / the size of your audience on a social media platform — how many followers you have

e.g. Luna has a strong, impressive presence when she walks into a room.

e.g. Instagram is a social media platform. So is Facebook. So is WeChat.

his audience is very engaged / they are active in some activity / having two people very involved / to care

e.g. Elon Musk’s Twitter audience is very engaged.

e.g. Elon Musk’s Twitter audience is very engaged with him — liking, commenting, sharing.

to look up to someone / you respect them

e.g. For me growing up, I always looked up to my father.

proper / “the right” / it’s the right/correct way of doing something

e.g. If you want to tie your shoes, do it the proper way.

e.g. Children must learn proper behavior in restaurants and planes.

distinct / very different / a special feature / (adjective)

e.g. If I look at a Tesla versus a motorcycle — these are two distinct vehicles.

e.g. When you have two distinct cars, it’s very easy to distinguish between them.

e.g. Can you see the distinction (NOUN) between an iPhone X and an iPhone XS?

e.g. What I do is very distinct from other branding agencies.

distinguish / I can see the difference between two things / (verb)

e.g. Can you distinguish Korean from Chinese people? Some people would say “no, they aren’t very distinct (different). Others say, “no, it’s very easy to distinguish between these two people”.

mindset / how you think about the world, how you approach or think about problems

perception / how you see things, how you look at problems and the world


founder with the PayPal / founder of PayPal

official account / official accounts


de / the 

career / CUH-REER

status / not STAT-ERS / STAT-US / STAT-ISS

Speaking exercise

I just talk about this topic with my girlfriend in a bar. She asked me: “Do you believe in love, do you like children, have you ever been thinking thought about getting married/marriage and or have having a child? And I said: “No, I don’t love children.” I think the only reason for marriage is to have a child. I don’t like children so I don’t need to get married/so I have no need for marriage/so I have no reason for marriage/so I have no reason to get married.

And from my perspective — loyalty is the most important thing in the marriage. If you don’t  aren’t ready to get the right to play the proper role in this long marriage relationship, especially for the when it comes to duty and loyalty — you don’t need to/shouldn’t consider marriage.

When I graduated — my career is was very fresh to for me, and wanted to find an older man — like mature to get into/form a relationship, it is a good thing for me, for a fresh student. When I was/had graduated, I knew I wanted to find an older man, as like a mentor for me to get into/form a relationship. I just wanted to find an older man. I could not distinct distinguish which if it was real life, relationship, friendship at that moment. My friend told me: I have never seen you fall in love — that status (P).

I don’t think he taught me a lot, but he inspired me a lot in the way you thinking how I thought and how I looked at the world. [mindset/perception]. And the way you handle every relationship with different people: bosses, colleagues. I think I have had to do it to learn more to get into the society quickly.