VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)[S]


Nicholas Wan

Wan Ni Ke

Mu Xin Yi

team player – you like to work with a team – you like to work in a team

e.g. I’m a bad team player, I prefer to work by myself because I think it’s faster.

highly-valued – your company thinks you do a good job and that you’re important to the company

e.g. You’re a highly valued employee.

get this knowledge – [acquire] this knowledge

indispensable – my team cannot live without me

e.g. I am the only person who can analyze this data so it makes me indispensable.

responsibilities / roles

e.g. I used to work in a different role in this company then I changed teams and changed my role — I do something different now.

performance – 表现

e.g. My performance was high so they chose me for this job!

formula – å…¬å¼

e.g. I need to study new Excel formulas to analyze the data better / more deeply.

I like communication – I’m a social person

very useful – very valuable

sleep too late – oversleep

use the phone too much – addicted to my phone – 上瘾


sree – three – free

things – sings


dad – dead


because the company need me to do this – because the company needs me to do this

so later let me to do this – so later my leader let me do this

it not very hard but it need patience – it’s not very hard but it requires patience

how long did you work there – you left the job

how long have you worked here – you are still working at this job

twice a week – two times a week

I think it’s very basic – my job used the excel – I use Excel at my job

I want to study more to analyze the data

it’s need = it needs

can use it in other company – can use it in other companies 

not too much than before – I sleep less these days – I oversleep less these days – I sleep less now than before

my mom hoped me have happy lifemy mom hoped that I would have a happy life – my mom hopes that I will have a happy life

Speaking exercise


I think I am a good team player because I’m I need someone to lead me to finish a job; I think I’m the best in my team – because now my job is a too – in my department my job is newest – and this job only I can do it because this work I learned from other staff in the same company – only I know – two people and another people taught me and he didn’t want do this job – this part of the job – so only I can do it.but everyone can study it but no one studies this job because this job only need one people. Because this job need me to teach each people, every service people in my department.


I think I am a good team player because I need / like having someone to lead me to finish a job; I think I’m the best on my team – because now my job is a too – in my department my job is the newest – and only I can do this job because this role / knowledge / these skills I learned from other staff in the same company – only I know – two people and another person taught me and he didn’t want do this job – this part of the job – so only I can do it.but everyone can study it but no one studies this job because this job only needs one person. Because this job needs / requires me to teach each people, every service person in my department.

every person

every people

each person

each people

one person

two people


All these things I think is different – it’s seem to – my mom and dad they have one job and I have already changed three job – they prefer to save money and I like to spend money – I don’t save money – but I want to save money. Don’t buy too many things I think – and I like to travel – I like travel – my mom like travel too. They have a different job.


All of these things I think are different – it’s seem to – my mom and dad they have one job and I have already changed three jobs – they prefer to save money and I like to spend money – I don’t save money – but I want to save money. I shouldn’t buy so many things I think – and I like to travel – I like traveling – my mom likes to travel too. They have different jobs.