VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)(S)


Tell me about a time you were frustrated…


fierce – 激烈

spirit – 精神

volleyball – 排球

e.g. The Chinese women’s volleyball team is full of fierce women who have a strong competitive spirit.

mature – 成熟

immature – 未成熟的

e.g. Nicholas is very immature because I am interested in “boy things”.

“making an investment in yourself”

e.g. What are some examples of investments in yourself: going to the gym, your education, learning new skills.

to keep in touch / to lose touch/ I’ve lost touch / to get back in touch

marathon – a long race of 27 miles – 马拉松

e.g. People who come from Kenya usually are the best marathon runners.

movie marathon – watching many movies “in a row” or “one after another without stopping”

night owl – this is a person who prefers to be awake during the night and asleep during the day

e.g. Lily is a night owl.

e.g. Nicholas is more productive during the night — this is why he is a night owl.

nocturnal – adj – describes an animal that is active during the night and asleep during the day

e.g. People are not naturally nocturnal. However, animals like bats, owls, and cats are nocturnal.

eye bags – bags under my eyes – dark circles under the eyes

procrastinate – 拖延

e.g. Procrastinators wait until the last second to do something.

“if you want something to get done, give it to a busy person” = busy people are productive people

multi-task – able to do many things at one time

e.g. Usually people say that women are better multi-taskers than men.

more efficient = more productive

Parkinson’s Law – if you give yourself a long time to do something, it will take a long time to do / if you give yourself a short time to do something, you will finish it very quickly

e.g. In college/university, I had to write a 40 page paper. The teacher told me about this paper in the beginning of the semester. I had many months to write this paper. I chose to write the paper the night before it was due. That’s 40 pages in one night.

e.g. I had to write a 40-page paper. I had to write a paper that was 40 pages. My paper was 40 pages long.

e.g. How many pages does the paper have to be? 40 pages long.

paper = certificate

frustrated  – 受挫

e.g. Cooking frustrates me.


I had been cheated

and we don’t have a contract / and we didn’t have a contract

Speaking exercise


Because I have something must – I must do something at daytime only if when I sleep on my bed it’s time for myself – I can do anything I want. I’m not tired but my face – the black eye circle. I don’t feel tired but others maybe thing I’m tired. For eg I can watch movie without others say something to me / disturbing me. For eg if in my work, if something is not emergency I will take it to tomorrow.

No I have been worked for 6 years. Maybe my university/ college I have played for three years and studied only one year. I found very – if people go more older it is more harder to meet new friends. Most of my good friends is my senior or middle school classmates. Now I have many colleague – our relationship is good but I don’t think we are good friend.


During the daytime I always have things to do, but at nighttime I can spend time on myself – I can do anything I want. I’m not tired but my face looks tired there are circles under my eyes. I don’t feel tired but others maybe think I’m tired. For eg I can watch movies without others saying something to me / disturbing me / annoying me. For eg if in my work, if something is not an emergency I will push it to tomorrow.

No I have been working for 6 years. Maybe my university/college I have played for three years and studied only one year / [I took it seriously for only one year]. I found very – as people grow more older it is more harder to meet new friends. Most of my good friends are my senior or middle school classmates. Now I have many colleagues – our relationship is good but I don’t think we are good friends.