VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)(S/W)


Write a short story using your new words! Tell me about YOUR day from the morning until night! Don’t forget to use the vocabulary words!

e.g. I wake up every morning and brush my teeth and my mother makes me a great breakfast meal! She puts it on my plate! My plate is so big! I can’t eat all the food!

Speaking exercise

PP in the is at home. It is 9 o’clock. Mom says “PP go to sleep” and then in the morning PP gets up and mom says “brush your teeth” and “wash your face” and then go eat breakfast. Breakfast is yummy she have has a hamburger, pizza, and milk. PP is happy. And then she goes to school. School is very big – this is her first day go to of school! This is She says “wow it’s very big!”. First she first runs and then she goes to the classroom, and then she says “it’s beautiful”. One teacher says “hey PP you can go to the classroom” and class begins! PP says “OK!” She goes to the classroom .

Writing exercise

The weather is hot today — it’s raining. I’m lucky because our sports lesson was in the morning, and it was not raining in the morning. I run ran 700 meters! by run and round. I was tired and hungry when I‘m back got back to the classroom. Ms. Le say said: “Do the your maths“. Ms Le is very mean — I did a good job.


plate / 盘子

meal / 餐 / food

my = 1 person

e.g. my lesson

our = more than 1 person

e.g. our lesson