VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)(R)


rent / 房租

e.g. Jason does not have to pay rent because his mother and father pay the rent.

apartment / 公寓

e.g. Teacher Nicholas lives in an apartment. He does not own (自己) a home.

job 工作

e.g. Jason does not have a job because he is a boy. He is a student. He does not work at a job.

enough 足够

e.g. I want to buy ice cream. I have 10 RMB. Do I have enough money?

move out 出发

e.g. Jason did not have any money. He had to move out of his apartment (gong you).

move into 移入

e.g. The man in the story did not have money. He moved into his car.

clothes 衣服

e.g. Jason likes to buy Legos.

pillows 枕头

e.g. I sleep on big pillows.

blanket 毯子

e.g. The blanket keeps me warm!

another 另一个

e.g. The cake was so good, can be buy another?

public / 公共 / not for personal use

e.g. He had to use a public toilet because he had no home!

fierce / 凶

e.g. Jason’s teacher is fierce and strong!

gas / 气体 / 燃料

e.g. You put gas into the car.

buy / 买

e.g. Jason buys Legos with his money.

pay / 支付

e.g. Jason buys Legos and he pays with his money.


I like lego. / I like legos

I need my money take a lego people. / I need my money to buy legos.

How much do the Legos cost? 乐高的价格是多少?


No More Apartment

Jerry has no job any more. He has a little money. But he does not have enough money for rent. He cannot pay his rent. He has to move out of his apartment. He will move out next week. He will move into his car. He will put all his clothes into his car. He will put his pillows and blankets into his car. He will sleep in his car. He will look for another job. After next week he will not be able to take a shower. He will have to use a public bathroom. He won’t be able to drive his car. He won’t have money for gas. Jerry needs help.