VIP Class Notes (Nicholas) [W/S]


Is it good for people to get drunk occasionally? Why or why not?

Writing exercise


Do you have any religious beliefs? Do you have a moral code? é“德准则
I don’t have any religion, but if I have to choose a religious belief, except myself, I choose Ms. tigress….however she is not as kind as Jesus, she always suggests a right way to me.
I think there are a lot of moral codes around us to guide(???)our behavior. For me the most important moral code is respect each other, never criticize someone’s parents and friends, because for me criticizing my parents and friends is off limits. And never cheat on someone’s partner. Others I think it is basic moral code which we should follow. But occasionally, we do immoral behavior even though we know it is immoral. For example,If someone is rude to you , you hard to keep calm and talk to him/her with cool-minded.


Do you have any religious beliefs? Do you have a moral code? é“德准则
I don’t have any religion / I don’t have a religion, but if I had / have / if you’re asking me to choose a religious belief, other than myself, I would choose Ms. Tigress….however she is not as kind as Jesus, she always suggests a right way to me / a right path for me / a right road for me to travel down.
I think there are a lot of moral codes around us to guide our behavior. For me the most important moral code is to respect each other and to never criticize someone’s parents and friends. For me, criticizing my parents and friends is off limits, as well as never to cheat / cheating on someone’s partner.  I think this is a basic moral code which we should follow. However / Occasionally, we do immoral behavior / act immorally even though we know it is immoral. For example, if someone is rude to you , it can be hard to keep calm / stay calm and talk to him/her with a level head / while staying cool.

Don’t start a sentence with AND THEN BECAUSE BUT.


sober – 清醒
I’m thinking straight

to keep a level head – to be stable 稳定
I was very angry but I kept a level head.

bloated – 臃肿
If I drink too much beer I will get bloated. – this definitely happens
If I drink too much beer I get bloated. – usually this happens

wasted -very drunk
My friend and I get wasted.

blackout – you can’t remember the night before
One time I blackout and I woke up in the wrong neighborhood.

hangover – this is the sick feeling the day after
If Laura drinks too much soju she will feel really hungover the next day.
I drank soju last night and felt so hungover. My hangover was really bad.

drunk dial
I drank too much and drunk dialed my boyfriend.

drunk text
I drank too much and drunk texted my ex.

reputation 声誉
I should have cared about my reputation but I didn’t.

small town mentality 心æ€

I’m drunk – adj
He’s a drunk – noun

a shot – drinking a small amount of alcohol at once
If you drink too many shots you will forget your night (blackout).

did you do it on purpose – did you make a plan

coincidence – å·§åˆ

to have a lot of power / influence 

Can people tell you’re Korean?
When people look at you, do they think you’re Korean or Chinese?
Can people tell I’m American? – Can people determine or figure out if I’m American.

it’s like a Korean community / town / neighborhood 

to be exposed – to be shown
I got exposed to Korean culture –


I don’t like crowded and loudly bars
I don’t liked crowded and loud bars / environments / settings 

only Alice saw that I drunk
only Alice sees when I’m drunk

the most crazy thing I ever done was
the craziest thing I ever did was

long years ago
many years ago

it depends if he get married 
it depends if he’s married or not

if both of us didn’t get married
if both of us weren’t / aren’t married

you learned Korean first while you lived in China
you learned Korean first even though you lived in China