VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)(W)


chromosomes / KROMA-SOMES /remember to think HOMES

Respiratory / RES-PRUH-TORY

aquarium / UH-KWARE-REE-UM


aluminium / UH-LOOM-IN-NUM

fuel / FEW-ULLS

prairie / PRARE-REE

Michigan / MISH-IH-GIN

Huron / HURE-ON

Erie / EAR-REE


Ontario / 安大略

waterfall 瀑布

e.g. Niagra, Canada has the biggest waterfall in North America Calle Niagra Falls.

chop 劈 / wood

prairie / è‰åŽŸÂ 

e.g.  We grow wheat on a prairie.

zinc / 锌

mine / 矿

e.g. We mine for metals in the earth.

pipeline / 管é“

Narcissus / this was a Greek God that fell in love with his reflection in a pool of water

e.g. Eventually Narcissus, drowned in that pool of water.

narcissist / a person who loves themselves too much or too arrogantly 

e.g. Trump is a big narcissist!

arrogant 傲慢

e.g. Arrogant people usually make other people angry, and they don’t respect others.

disrupt ç ´å / something was going well and now it’s completely changed (usually it’s negative”

e.g. He disrupted the meeting with his loud behavior. The meeting was peaceful and civil and kind, but his mean character disrupted everything.

e.g. The car company Tesla – that sells electric cars – has disrupted the car industry. Tesla is a disruptor.


e.g. In hotels if you don’t want the housekeeping to interrupt your day, just say “please do not disturb”.

break the record / broke the record / you have the fastest or best score and replaced someone at the top – now you are the top

e.g. Summer broke the record for most English lessons in a year.

e.g. China broke the record for most gold medals in an Olympics.

chromosomes / these control the gender of the child

e.g. Two “X” chromosomes give you a woman. One “X” and one “Y” give you a man.

respiratory / the breathing system

e.g. Your lungs are part your respiratory system.

latitude / think of a ladder / these lines run east to west but they measure things north to south.

longitude / these lines run north to south but they measure things east to west.

e.g. 60 degrees lngitutude.

Trans / prefix / to move across the entire place / 横贯大陆

e.g. In America, during the 1800s, Chinese workers helped build the transcontinental railroad.

Despite / Even though / Although / 

e.g. Even though I am going to start with a bad thing, I am going to end with a good thing.

e.g. Despite being very short, Summer compete on the Chinese basketball team.

e.g. Even though / Although being very short, Summer…

Writing exercise

Smoking is harmful?

I think it’s a truth that smoking is harmful, and this is according to the science. Every living creatures need to breathe, exhaling the carbon dioxide in the body, and then breathe in the oxygen in the air. But the smoking people, can’t enjoy the gift of nature. They will breathe in the toxic gas instead of fresh air. Smoking also has the following disadvantages.
Fist, there is nicotine in tobacco and this is harmful for our health. Second, smoking can break our breathe system and cause some respiratory diseases. Third, smoking can make men lose their Y chromosomes, and increase the risk of getting cancer.
In summary, we shouldn’t smoke for our health.

Is Smoking Harmful?

I think it’s true that smoking is harmful, and this is proven by science. Every living creature needs to breathe — exhaling the carbon dioxide in the body and then breathing in the oxygen from the air. But smokers can’t enjoy this gift from nature. Smokers breathe toxic gas instead of fresh air. Smoking also has the following disadvantages:

Fist, there is nicotine in tobacco and this is harmful for our health. Second, smoking can disrupt /disturb our breathing system and cause some respiratory diseases. Third, smoking can make men lose their Y chromosomes, and increase the risk of getting cancer. In summary, we shouldn’t smoke for our health.