VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)


Burberry / BER-BERRY


rehabilitate / build back up from a bad place – like from an unhealthy place and to make healthy

e.g. If you hurt your knee, you need to rehabilitate it over 6 months.

e.g. Some brands need to rehabilitate their image.

global financial crisis / the Great Recession / global downturn in economy around 2008

“they went bankrupt”

bailout / this is when a company goes bankrupt and they need money from someone else (usually the government)

e.g. Hey my wife kicked me out of the house – can you bail me out?

e.g. After 2008, the US gov’t bailed out the car companies.

pension (noun – thing) / pensioner (noun – person) / this is a retirement benefit where you get money for the rest of your life until you die

e.g. In America the government retirement pension is called “social security”. So many older folks can’t wait for their social security benefits to begin.

social insurance / unemployment benefit / if you’re out of a job, the government will give you money for a few months until you find a new job

“be American, buy American”

racism (idea/ideology) / racist (person)

e.g. Racists people believe in racism.

e.g. Some people can act racist.

patriotism / patriot / national pride

e.g. Lynn is very patriotic. She is a Chinese patriot. Her family has great patriotism.

nationalism / nationalistic / nationalist / a stronger form of patriotism / you love your country and don’t like others

e.g. A recent controversy with Japan, ignited nationalistic ideas among the Chinese.

e.g. Sometimes nationalism is important, sometimes it goes too far.

e.g. Most strong leaders of countries are “nationalists”.

brand premium / this is the premium or amount difference someone is willing to pay just to be part of a brand

“to put a number on it” 

e.g. Lynn we love your marketing ideas but we are looking at our budget can you put a number on it?

“there’s a fine line between…” / the boundary is difficult to determine

that’s a given / yes, that is already understood – we know this already

e.g. Lynn likes green shirts – yeah that’s a given.


meme appear in the social / they made a meme out of it

he got the Oscar / he won the Oscar award

buy from German Germany

high tech engagement engaging things / [innovations]

if you go into the Apple store you you’ll find

I think the sales is are good

that’s definitely / that’s a definite / definitely / 

he make made some new policy /