VIP Class Notes (Nicholas) [W]


Headline – the big bold words on the type of the article…it’s the title…and it should be catchy so that we want to read it.


Northern vs. Norsen

Threatens vs. Thratens


Infrastructure — these are the buildings like roads, bridges, highways, metro stations established by the governemnt. They are critical for the nation.

e.g. China spends trillions and trillions of RMB every year to upgrade the nation’s infrastructure.

Threaten — I feel like you may hurt me.

e.g. YoYo I have told you many times, do not threaten your teacher in class.

Trigger – to begin also the piece on the gun that fires the weapon / it means it started something.

e.g. The rain triggered many floods throughout China.

e.g. People should be careful when they open a door that is locked, because sometimes it will trigger an alarm or loud noise.

Critical – really important

e.g. If you want to improve your English skills, it’s critical that you study with Smart English every day.

Writing exercise

Hoarder – these are people that keep everything, they can never throw things out.


there are many differences  from my mother’s generation and ours.  most people of my mother’s genetration are very saving and traditional.  They are hard to accept new things and they can not understand the very fast improved society. They like to wear one cloth and one pair of shoes for a long time until the cloth and shoes are broken. in their opinion, every person must get marriage. if  someone doesnt marriage they will become weired.


There are many difference between my mother’s generation and my own. Most of people of my mother’s generation are very frugal and traditional. It’s difficult for them to accept new things. They cannot understand how fast our society is improving. For example, they like to [prefer] to wear one article of clothing and one pair of shoes for a long time, until the clothing and shoes are worn down. In their opinion, ever person must get married; if someone doesn’t get married they are strange/weird.