VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)


precarious / 危险的 / it could go bad / it could turn for the worse

e.g. The Chinese-USA trade war is a very precarious situation.

to flout / 藐视 / to openly disregard a law / to ignore a law

e.g. Chinese companies are often accused of flouting international law.

to bar someone / to prevent someone from doing something / to stop someone from doing something

e.g. China barred Nickole from entering North Korea.

e.g. America may bar Chinese companies from selling their products with American allies.

to be uprooted / to pull something out of the ground like a plant

e.g. If someone is uprooted from their home — it means I pulled them out of their home by force.

e.g. The monsoon (雨季) in northern china uprooted many people who lived there.

a coup 政变

e.g. in Venezuela the country is experience a violent coup — where one leader is trying to replace another.

“to weigh in on…” / to give your opinion

e.g. The European countries weighed in on the issue — and they said they support this new man.

e.g. Nickole could you weigh in on this issue at work where we are having some problems?

e.g. Nicholas would you like to weigh in?

“to work it out” / “to work something out” / to resolve a problem

e.g. In relationships you need to work things out.

our technical like 5G / our technical capability like 5G / our technology like 5G

fake / not real

e.g. That bag made in China probably isn’t real — it’s fake!

fleeing / to run away , to leave

e.g. Nickole didn’t want to see Nicholas so she flees class.

journalists / 记者

e.g. Donald Trump calls journalists the “enemy of the people”.

click-bait 饵 / 

e.g. Many journalists are not writing stories because they are true, but rather because they need click bait.

to censor / censorship / what do you let people see / 审查

e.g. In America, wealthy corporations decide who is censored, and who is not.


but-eh / but

becurz / because


some EU country / some EU countries

we always stay on the opposite side / we are always in disagreement