VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)

Next Class Focus

Depends on if Luna wants to practice speaking, reading or writing.

If she wants to do reading — you can continue Practice Test 1 from the IELTS Prep App (red icon from the Apple App Store). We do questions #1 – 21. You could also try them again.

If she wants to do speaking, we can choose other exercises.

**Practice identifying the keywords or topics within each question…and then searching for the relevant information.


to erect / to put up something physical

e.g. They erected a statue for Xi JinPing in Beijing.

consent / to allow something to happen; to give permission; to give approval; permission

e.g. I needed my mother’s consent before I drove the car. – noun

e.g. My mother consented to let me use the car. – verb

obligatory / compulsory / things you must do

e.g. For citizens of South Korea, serving in the military is compulsory/obligatory.

essential / must have it to be successful; must do it to be successful; very important

reptile / animals like snakes and lizards that lay eggs

mammals / animals that create children by giving birth (feeding with milk)
