VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)


hurry / HER-EE

on / now OWN / AH-NUH

economy / EE-CON-UH-ME


fuel (noun) / this is the oil or the liquid that you put into your car or the plane — so it can drive or fly

e.g. The car isn’t moving! Maybe it doesn’t have any fuel.

to fuel (verb) / to give power to, to give energy to, to make grow, to make bigger,

e.g. If you have a fire, and it’s a small fire, but then you throw some gasoline on the fire — you are fueling the fire.

e.g. I wasn’t worried about my mother’s illness. I thought it was just a cold. But then she said she was so sick she had to go to the hospital. This fueled my concerns.

the state of the global economy” / how is the global economy doing…is it strong, is it weak?

e.g. What is the state of the company’s financials? The company is doing well, they have lots of profits.

e.g. What is the state of the project at work? It’s not finished, but it will soon be finished.

announcement 公告 / telling people something big! telling them some big important news!

e.g. The Chinese government made an announcement: crime in China is at its lowest point in 30 years!

e.g. They had a big announcement: she was pregnant and soon they would have a baby!

to undermine / undermining 破坏 / when you make your situation worse

e.g. When a mother and father are teaching a child, they should not undermine each other — they should agree with one another so the child is not confused.

TV broadcasting 广播

e.g. China recently reformed their TV broadcasting.

to manage 管理 / managing

e.g. The people that manage the TV broadcasting decided that men could not wear earrings on TV.

e.g. These people are managing the TV broadcasting rules.

e.g. I am a manager at the Apple store.

e.g .I am managing all of the new iPhone sales.


will download their economic growth / will downgrade their economic growth

China had just reported it’s economic growth which is the lowest in the past 28 years / good

The USA closed its government / good

it’s not man / it’s not manly/womanly

he like men / he likes men

they don’t forbid the activity, but they don’t praise/[encourage] it either

most Chinese people cannot do not accept this [lifestyle]

maybe we person don’t like rules / maybe we personally don’t like rules / “personally” = my opinion


“Shutdown in U.S., slowing growth in China fuel concerns over global economy”

Fears are rising about the state of the world’s biggest economies, with China posting its worst annual growth in decades and the United States injecting more uncertainty with tariffs and a lengthy government shutdown.

China reported Monday that its economy expanded by 6.6 percent last year — a figure that would be good for many countries but represents the slowest growth for China in 28 years. Meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund downgraded its expectations for the global economy, highlighting sharp declines in Europe and warning that the risks of a major slowdown have increased.

The pair of announcements came as top executives and world leaders gathered in this ritzy ski resort town for the annual World Economic Forum. In contrast to a year ago — when President Trump and other world leaders talked about global prosperity — this year attendees expressed worry that the United States was undermining its own economy, and the rest of the world’s, via a trade war and the longest partial government shutdown in U.S. history.