VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)


wash – 洗
The boy is washing the dog.
The dog needs a wash.

bucket – 桶
The boy puts the dog into the bucket.
The bucket is full of water and soap!

soap – 肥皂
The boys uses soap on the dog.
The dog has soap on him!

suds – 泡沫
There are lots of suds in the bucket of water.

dirt – 污垢
The dog is in the dirt.

dizzy – 头晕
I feel very dizzy. I need some water!

metro – 地铁
Do you like to ride the metro?

comfortablecomfy – 舒适
Is that chair comfy?


where is we
where are we

you are a teacher
me teacher too
I am a teacher too

do you like Nemo
what do you like “here”
what do you like about Nemo
Nemo is a very good teacher
Nemo is a very good fish

the pen is fall down
the pen fell down

the ball is fell down
the ball fell down

You can’t go
You can’t go too
You can’t go either

You teeth is not good you eat this
Your teeth will not be good if you eat this