VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)


Switzerland / SWITZER-LIND

fortune / FOR-CHIN

Cuba / CUE-BUH

Jamaica / JUH-MAKE-UH

Haiti / HATE-EE

Haitian / HEY-SHIN


Puerto Rico / POOR-TUH-REE-KO

frigate / FRIGG-IT


PIGS – Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain – poorest countries in Europe

Eastern Europe EastEurope

Switzerland / Swiss

mock design / mockup 

concept / concept drawing / concept art

rendering – 效果图

e.g. This is a rendering of what the room will look like.

e.g. This is just some concept art for the room’s design/layout.

flamingo – 火烈鸟

prophet – 预言家- (noun – person)

prophecy (noun – thing) – prophetic  (adj) – prophesy (verb) – prophesied (past tense verb)

e.g. The prophet tells prophecies to the people. He is prophetic.

e.g. The Mayans prophesied that the world will end in 2012.

fortune teller – 算命先生

alternate universe / parallel universe – 平行宇宙

human sacrifice – 人类的牺牲

buried alive

vertical – up and down

horizontal – east and west

Aztec / Mayan – ancient people of Central America

Creole = French language + African language

Haiti – country

Haitian – person

Helicopter – 直升机

flip flop – 拖鞋