VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)

Next Class Focus

Review Mexico and Central America, and the idea of “extinct”.


  1. Maine
  2. New York
  3. New Hampshire
  4. Vermont
  5. Massachusettes
  6. Rhode Island
  7. Connecticut – CUH-NET-IH-CIT
  8. New Jersey
  9. Delaware
  10. Pennsylvania – PEN-SULL-VANE-YA
  11. Maryland
  12. West Virginia
  13. Virginia
  14. Ohio
  15. Michigan
  16. Indiana
  17. Kentucky – KIN-TUCKY
  18. Illinois – ILL-IN-NOY
  19. North Carolina
  20. South Carolina
  21. Tennesse – TEN-UH-SEE
  22. Georgia – GEORGE-UH
  23. Florida – FLOOR-RIH-DUH
  24. Louisiana – LU-EASY-ANN-UH
  25. Alabama – AL – UH – BAM- UH
  26. Mississippi – MISS-IS-SIP-PEE
  27. Arkansas – AR-CAN-SAW
  28. Missouri – MIZZ-ZOR-EE
  29. Iowa – EYE-OH-WUH
  30. Wisconsin – WIS-CON-SIN
  31. Minnesota – MIN-UH-SO-TUH
  32. North Dakota
  33. South Dakota
  34. Nebraska – NUH-BRASK-UH
  35. Kansas
  36. Oklahoma – OH-KLA-HOME-UH
  37. Texas
  38. New Mexico
  39. Colorado – CALL-UH-ROD-OH
  40. Wyoming – WHY-OH-MING
  41. Montana – MON-TAN-UH
  42. Washington
  43. Oregon
  44. Idaho
  45. Nevada – NUH-VAD-UH
  46. Utah
  47. California
  48. Arizona
  49. Hawaii – HUH-WHY-EE
  50. Alaska

New Orleans / NEW OR-LINS



Gold Rush – a rush of people or many people came to California in search for gold including Chinese people

Rust Belt – 锈 – the part of America that lost their manufacturing jobs

e.g. Trump won the Presidency because he won the support of the Rust Belt.

temperate = consistent = the same weather all year round 

Everglades – 沼泽地 – the wetlands of the USA 

e.g. The American alligator lives in the Florida Everglades.

alligator vs. crocodile 

alligator – smaller, longer mouth

crocodile – bigger, wider mouth

Great Plains – plains = flatlands where there are many tornadoes

e.g. There are many tornadoes that destroy people’s homes on the Great Plains.

tornado – 龙卷风

e.g. Dorothy’s home from the Wizard of OZ was in Kansas, right in the middle of Tornado Alley.

raccoon – 浣 熊

eg. Sometimes people in America think that raccoons are thieves!

jazz music – an African American style of music

e.g. If you want to listen to jazz music, go to New Orlean’s.

hurricane – 飓风- heavy rain + wind + tornado

e.g. Hurricanes destroy the southeast of the USA.

e.g. Hurricanes are bigger than monsoons.

e.g. The only safe place in a hurricane is in the “eye of the hurricane” — this is the center.

blizzard – big snow storms

lake effect snow – the lakes cause this snow

monsoon – 季风 – heavy rain + wind


Two-thirds of all cities are by the sea

Oceans cover 70 percent of the world