VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)

Next Class Focus

Work on pronunciation of the states!


Planet Earth / TV Series



leopard / LEH-PER-DUH


instinct / 本能 / these are the behaviors of an animal – they are born with these behvaiors

e.g. You can’t get angry with your cat for clawing your furniture – this is his instinct.

species / 物种 / the kind of animal

e.g. My house cat is very small but it is the same species as the big cats.

apex / the top 

e.g. I reached the apex of my career.

predator / an animal that hunts other animals for food

e.g. The lion is a very strong predator who preys on zebra and other animals.

prey / food / the predator’s victim / 猎物

e.g. In Africa, everyone is the lion’s prey.

apex predator / the top animal in the food chain and it has no other predators

e.g. There is usually one one apex predator in each habitat.

hawk / eagle / 鹰 / majestic / 雄伟

e.g. The eagle represents leadership, decisiveness, and excellence.

talons / the eagle’s claws

e.g. The eagle’s talons are enormous.

“the big cats”

panther / jaguar (america) / leopard (asia and africa) / 豹子 / elusive / 难以 捉摸

cheetah / 猎豹/ speed

buffalo / 水牛

rhino / 犀牛

exotic animals

a morning person / someone who prefers to wake up early

e.g. Summer is a morning person.

night owl / a person that prefers to work during the night time when everyone else is sleeping

e.g. I like being a night owl because it’s quiet and easy for me to focus.

nocturnal / they sleep during the day, they are awake at night

e.g. Owls are nocturnal animals.

fierce / 凶猛

e.g. Tigers are extremely fierce animals.

Grizzly Bear / brown bear

recurring / it happens again and again

e.g. Nicholas has a recurring nightmare where he is in a restaurant!

I deleted it by accident