VIP Class Notes (Nicholas)


Newfoundland / NewfoundLIND

Greenlind / Icelind / Greenland / Iceland

Quebec / KWUH-BECK

Niagara / NIE-A-GRUH

porpoise / POUR-PISS

Nova Scotia / NOVA SCOW-SHUH

desserts /

vast /

Oregon / ORE-IH-GIN



Labrador – a type of dog – it’s also known as a “Lab”

Beaver / big teeth, big tail, and they make “dams” in waterways

E.g. The beavers live in a dam, and it blocks the river.

fur trappers / Frenchmen who trapped beavers and sold their pelts (furs)

trap / to catch someone or something / verb

e..g I trapped the mouse in a corner using my cat!

trap / noun / a way of trapping someone 

e.g. If you have mice in your house, you can put peanut butter on a mouse trap, or a little block of cheese, and the mouse will come to the trap.

skateboard / snowboard 

e.g. You can ride a skateboard in the summer, and go snowboarding in the winter.

porpoise / 海豚 / dolphin 

totem pole / American Indians made these pieces of art/architecture

sculpture/ 雕塑

Maple syrup / 糖浆

e.g. Canada is famous for its maple trees that produce / make maple syrup.

chiropractor / 脊 医

e.g. The chiropractor will crack your bones.

habitat / an animal’s home

e.g. The mountain lion of North America is dying out because it is losing habitat

enormous / very large

laid back / relaxed

e.g. California has a very laid back culture.

east coast / “fast paced” / the pace of life is faster


my sister grabbed me by the hair

to involve/ to include

e.g. it usually involves birds / artwork usually involving birds

I book a wrong hotel / I booked the wrong hotel

I don’t have time to go there / I didn’t have time to go there