VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[W/R]

Watch the movie and write a short story about Anastasia

Once upon a December

Dancing bears, painted wings
Things I almost remember
And a song someone sings
Once upon a December


wing (n):(鸟类等的)翅膀;(飞机的)机翼
E..g: I don’t like chicken wings – there’s not much meat on them.
E..g: I could see the plane’s wing out of my window.

almost (adv):nearly几乎,差不多,差一点,将近
E..g: She’s almost 30.
E.g.: It was almost six o’clock when he left.

remember (v): 1-to be able to bring back a piece of information into your mind, or to keep a piece of information in your memory
E.g.: “Where did you park the car?” “I can’t remember.”“你把车停在哪儿了?”“我不记得了。”
E.g.: I can remember people’s faces, but I can’t remember their names.

once upon a time-used at the beginning of children’s stories to mean “a long time ago”

Once upon a time there was an ugly duckling.

someone-we say this for a person when you do not know who they are
There’s someone outside the house.


silver-银子, 银色的

storm-bad weather with very strong wind, heavy rain, snow and often thunder and lightning
E.g.: Our apple tree fell down in the storm.

silver storm-银色风暴/snow storm-暴雪  she wants to say that there was a lot of snow

Chinese Quiz

I did it a little well in the Chinese quiz today. I forgot write the punctuations. Our teacher Shi Xiao Qie told us that didn’t forgot write the punctuations. Shi Xiao Qie told us to write the punctuations 50 times. Oh my Gosh, I haven’t finished the punctuations yet.

Chinese Quiz

I did well ON the Chinese quiz/test today. I forgot to write the punctuations. Our teacher Shi Xiao Qie told us that we shouldn’t forget to write the punctuations. Shi Xiao Qie told us to write the punctuations 50 times. Oh my Gosh, I haven’t finished the punctuations yet.