VIP Class Notes (Nemo)[W]

For the next class writ about your favorite place in Shanghai


What will you do tomorrow?
Tomorrow, I will go to a park
Who will you go with?
I will go with my mother
How will you go to the park?
I will go by car
How long will you stay in the park?
I will stay in the park FOR two hours.

How often do you brush your teeth?
I wash my teeth every day, two times.       I wash my teeth twice a day

three times-三次
four times
five times…..

how often do you change your clothes?
I change my clothes every day

how often do you brush your teeth?
I brush my teeth twice a day

How often do you eat?
I eat every day
How often do you eat per day?
I eat three times per day?

We have lunch together once a month.

What is your favorite color?” “Green.” 。    My favorite color is blue!
my favorite restaurant/book/song

WHAT-we use for things, places, animals…我们用来做东西,地方,动物。。。

WHO-we use for people我们为人民服务

Who is your favorite cartoon character?

Writing exercise


I traveled to Turkey with  my mother during the summer vacavion. She packed a big bag for the trip and we traveled by plane. I saw hot air baloons in Turkey and I couldn’t stop laughing


I traveled to Turkey with my mother during the summer vacation. She packed a big bag for the trip and we traveled by plane. I saw hot air balloons in Turkey and I couldn’t stop laughing